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    to select the appropriate standards for this lesson.)

    Select at least 1 Standard for Math, Science, Language Arts or Social Studies.

    WIDA Standards (Please identify all the standards that apply)

    WS1: English language learners communicate for social and instructional purposes within the school setting.

    WS2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of language arts.

    WS3: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of mathematics.

    WS4: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of science.

    WS5: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of social studies.

    CONTENT Learning Outcomes (State what the student will be able to do. Align outcomes with the Florida Standards identified above.) SLOs must be written in the form “Student will be able to…” and must include observable actions. They must include different levels of complexity (See Bloom’s Taxonomy: ).

    1. The student will be able to

    2. The student will be able to

    3. The student will be able to

    LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT Learning Outcomes (State what the student will be able to do to develop specific language skills. You MUST specify the scaffolding that you will provide.)

    Choose 1 WIDA Level

    ☐ Level 1


    ☐ Level 2


    ☐ Level 3


    ☐ Level 4


    ☐ Level 5


    Listening: (Before? during? after?) listening to the video the student will be able to list the main points , locate, discuss, predict, follow directions, solve, etc.) _______________, with the following supports (what scaffolding are you providing?) ______________ (word wall, word bank, cognates, in small group, working with a bilingual buddy, listening to information in the primary language, with teacher using slow and clear speech, using a transcript, with teacher modeling, using visuals, with extended time, with previously taught vocabulary, etc. )

    Speaking: The student will be able to (what do you what them to do/say?) ______________ (pronounce, summarize, explain, evaluate, critique, compare/contrast, state, answer, describe, illustrate, discuss, present, repeat, name, list, agree/disagree, share, restate, use the new vocabulary, describe, tell, etc.) ______________, with the following supports (what scaffolding are you providing?) ______________ (using TPR, using their primary language, word wall, sentence starters, word bank, in small group, working with a bilingual buddy, using a bilingual dictionary, with teacher support and prompting, using visuals, with extended time, with previously taught vocabulary, using think-pair-share, using simple sentences, nodding, pointing, using choral response, using an electronic voice translator, etc. )

    Reading: (Before? during? after?) reading (what is the student reading?) ______________, the student will be able to (what do you what them to do to show comprehension or acquisition of new skills?) (highlight, define, circle, recognize, determine, compare/contrast, find the main idea, locate, read aloud, discuss, predict, follow directions, etc.) _______________, with the following supports (what scaffolding are you providing?) ______________ (word wall, word bank, in small group, working with a bilingual buddy, using a bilingual dictionary, using texts in the primary language, with teacher support and prompting, using visuals, with extended time, with previously taught vocabulary, etc. )

    Writing: The student will be able to (what do you what them to do/write?) ______________ (define, copy, spell, summarize, trace, label, explain, evaluate, critique, write, compare/contrast, state, answer, highlight, circle, match, fill in the blanks, describe, illustrate, journal, draw, take notes, etc.) ______________, with the following supports (what scaffolding are you providing?) ______________ (using a graphic organizer, writing in their primary language, word wall, sentence starters, word bank, in small group, working with a bilingual buddy, using a bilingual dictionary, using texts in the primary language, with teacher support and prompting, using visuals, with extended time, with previously taught vocabulary, cloze texts, exemplars, templates, etc. )

    Instructional Materials and Technology You MUST include technology

    (List all materials and supplies needed to implement this lesson.)

    If I wanted to teach this lesson, what is everything I would need to do so? (Include links to websites and list equipment such as laptops when applicable)

    Technology we will use…

    Other materials that we will use…

    I will adapt texts and other materials for my ELLs by…

    Academic Vocabulary (List important vocabulary that you need to pre-teach for students to master this lesson. Must be 7 – 10 new words.)









    You MUST include group activities

    Entry Event Please provide a short narrative of how you will introduce the lesson and activate prior knowledge. Remember to connect to the students’ cultural heritage.

    This resource may help: http://www.theteachertoolkit.com/index.php/tool/category/C1

    I will make sure my students are ready to learn by…

    I will activate prior knowledge and review past learning by…

    I will make a Cultural Connection with my students by…

    I will provide the following supports to my ELLs so that they can participate in the Entry Activity…

    For this activity the students will be working in (pairs? small group? whole class? independently?

    Direct Instruction (Describe how will you present and/or model the concept/skill to students.)

    How will you provide Comprehensible Input to your ELLs?

    I will teach new vocabulary by…

    I will present new concepts and/or skills by…

    I will provide the following supports to my ELLs so that they can comprehend the lesson…

    I will check for understanding by…

    Guided and Independent Practice (Describe the activities the students will complete with teacher support and/or peer collaboration and individually to reinforce concepts presented during direct instruction.)

    I will provide guided practice by…

    I will provide independent practice by…

    I will provide the following supports to my ELLs so that they can participate in these activities…

    While my students are working I will be…

    Closure (Describe the reinforcement strategies you will use to conclude the lesson. Include any review and/or reflection activities.) Please provide a short narrative of how you will close the lesson and reinforce new knowledge. Exit Tickets and Review Games work great here.

    This resource may help:

    I will review the most important concepts of the lesson by…

    I will provide the following supports to my ELLs so that they can participate in the Closure Activity…

    Strategies, Evaluation and Monitoring

    ELL Strategies, Accommodations and/or Modifications Please list all the ESOL strategies that you will use. (Minimum 3) You can use the BCPS ESOL Strategies Matrix provided below






    Grouping Strategies (Select all the group configurations that you will use, and briefly explain how you will use Cooperative Learning during the lesson.)

    ____Whole class

    ____Small groups



    I will use Cooperative Learning and promote student interaction by…

    I will provide the following supports to my ELLs so that they can participate in group activities…

    Check all the 21st Century Skills used during this lesson:



    Critical Thinking


    Formative Assessments: Minimum 3

    Describe how you informally assess students during your lesson. Explain how you will adapt for your ELLs.

    I will use the following informal assessments to check for student understanding before, throughout and after the lesson:




    I will provide the following supports or modifications to my ELLs so that they can participate in the formative assessments…

    Summative Assessments: Minimum 2

    Describe how you will formally assess students on mastery of the content and language standards. Explain how you will adapt for your ELLs.

    I will use the following formal assessments to check for student understanding after the lesson:



    I will provide the following supports or modifications to my ELLs so that they can participate in the summative assessments…

    Re-teach (Briefly describe how you will re-teach any concepts or skills for any ELLs who were not able to master the learning outcomes)

    This resource can help: https://www.wd7.org/cms/lib/IL01905591/Centricity/Domain/19/Reteaching.pdf

    I will re-teach this lesson to my ELLs who were not able to master the learning outcomes in the following way…

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