
    Trends in project management in the healthcare system

    The area of focus for my Trends research is project management in the healthcare system. Project management as a field of healthcare system, is an organized process that is aimed at improving the functionality of medical facilities. Its purpose is to resolve issues in the current operations, implement policies that foster good relationships with the healthcare stakeholder and enhance patient care in the medical facility (Magano et al., 2021). The trends in project management that I have chosen to focus on include productivity, allocation of resources, and communication. Project management is a field that requires strict compliance with procedures in the execution of tasks, as well as a robust interaction with other departments to ensure the fulfillment of a collective set of goal. While researching project management, I identified the trends and briefly investigated their individual effects on a system. The three trends under review are communication, allocation of resources, and productivity. Communication in project management differs depending on the audience. 

    Thorough communication is maintained to ensure that the hospital administrators have updated records of the patients and insurances that make the running of the hospital easy and organized. Also, project managers emphasize on clear communication between medical staff and patients should be clear to avoid misinformation. In times past, defective communication systems have been recorded to adversely affect the optimal operation of healthcare systems in various places, resulting in an urgent need for the adoption of corrective and proactively efficient measures. 

    Allocation of resources in the healthcare system is another trend that requires significant improvement as project managers are involved in budgeting and allocation of funds to hospital departments depending on their expenditure. For proper running of the hospital, every department's expenditure and fund allocation needs to be thoroughly executed in a timely manner to prevent costly delays in the operations of healthcare facilities. 

    Lastly, productivity in healthcare systems was equally researched from a project management perspective. Productivity is the main goal of project management in the healthcare system. Therefore, it is important to understand the performance of the healthcare staff as this largely determines how the hospital operates. When productivity increases, running the hospital becomes a relatively easy task. Low performance in healthcare makes the hospital's operation a hard task because everyone is not meeting the set expectations (Sundqvist, 2019).


    Magano, J., Silvius, G., e Silva, C. S., & Leite, Â. (2021). The contribution of project management to a more sustainable society: Exploring the perception of project managers. Project Leadership and Society2, 100020.

    Sundqvist, E. (2019). The role of project managers as improvement agents in project-based organizations. Project management journal50(3), 376-390.

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