Treaty Analysis:

    Treaty Analysis:

    You will select a historical or current international security treaty to describe and analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international security cooperation. The final project will be a 14- to 16-page paper using the format specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.) and covering the following major topics:

    • history of the treaty, including identification and analysis of the forces and events that brought about the treaty
    • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty
    • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to the current security of the United States
    • future of the treaty (i.e., will it be enforceable, will it be necessary, etc.)
    • describe and analyze the conditions and elements of the treaty in relation to the future security of the United States
    • recommendations for changing the treaty to what best benefits the international community and the United States

    The terms effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty come to mind.

    Somehow, we should incorporate that we want students to analyze the effectiveness and sufficiency of the treaty as it relates to homeland security and international cooperation.

    Criteria Exceptional Good Fair / Adequate Limited
    Attention to instructions and assignment 5 points
    Follows and exceeds expectations noted in instructions.
    4 points
    Follows instructions.
    3 points
    Follows some but not all instructions.
    2 points
    Can earn between 0-2 points. Gestures toward instructions but demonstrates little comprehension or competency or disregards instructions.
    Adherence to APA 6th ed. style 5 points
    No APA style errors.
    4 points
    No more than three APA style errors.
    3 points
    Between 4-6 APA style errors.
    2 points
    Can earn between 0-2 points. More than six APA style errors.
    Introduction and Conclusion 20 points
    Can earn between 18-20 points. Relevance of topic is apparent. The groundwork for the paper is easy to predict because important topics that will be discussed are specifically mentioned. The writer makes succinct and precise conclusions and/or recommendations.
    17 points
    Can earn between 16-17 points. A good attempt is made as to why the topic is pertinent, but it may be slightly unclear or lacking in insight or originality. Organization for rest of the paper is stated. Some of the conclusions and recommendations are not supported.
    15 points
    Can earn between 13-15 points. Introduction may be unclear (contain vague terms), appear unoriginal, or offer relatively little that is new; intro provides little around which to structure the paper. Some of the conclusions and recommendations are not supported; there are weak or trite suggestions for future.
    12 points
    Can earn between 0-12 points. No reference is made to the topic, audience, or relevance of the topic. There is little or no indication that the writer tried to synthesize the information or to draw conclusions or make recommendations; there are no suggestions for future.
    Content 40 points
    Can earn between 36-40 points. Evidence of comprehensive research and critical thinking as related to the chosen topic. Reader gains important insight; analysis poses novel ways to think of the material; quoted material is well-integrated; coverage is deep without being redundant.
    35 points
    Can earn between 32-35 points. Evidence of research is demonstrated, but critical thinking is below that of the outstanding paper. Reader gains some insight; there is occasional evidence of novel ways to think about the material. Quotes are well-integrated into sentences. Topics are adequately addressed, but not in detail or depth.
    31 points
    Can earn between 28-31 points. Evidence of research is weak with little critical thinking. Reader gains little insight. Essay relies on quotes and paraphrases that are poorly connected. Examples support some topic sentences; there is no evidence of novel thinking, and there is intermittent support through evidence.
    27 points
    Can earn between 0-27 points. No evidence of research. Paper fails to show analysis or engage critical thinking. Essay relies on the stringing together of quotes or close paraphrasing. There is a failure to support statements, with major content omitted; quotes are not integrated properly.
    Organization 15 points
    Can earn between 14-15 points. The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose. Transitions link paragraphs. It’s easy to follow the line reasoning. Subheadings are used throughout the paper, allowing the reader to move easily through the text. Paragraphs have solid topic sentences.
    13 points
    Can earn between 12-13 points. The ideas are arranged logically to support the central purpose. Transitions usually link paragraphs. For the most part, the reader can follow the line of reasoning. Subheadings are used throughout the paper to guide the reader without creating undue confusion; a few paragraphs lack strong topic sentences.
    11 points
    Can earn between 10-11 points. In general, ideas are arranged logically, but sometimes, they fail to make sense together. The reader is fairly clear about what the writer intends. While subheadings are used, the content beneath them does not follow; many paragraphs lack topic sentences.
    9 points
    Can earn between 0-9 points. Ideas are not logically organized. Frequently, ideas fail to make sense together. The reader cannot identify a line of reasoning. Subheadings are not used. There are few to no topic sentences.
    Style, clarity, spelling, grammar, writing mechanics 15 points
    Can earn between 14-15 points. Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is excellent.
    13 points
    Can earn between 12-13 points. Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is adequate.
    11 points
    Can earn between 10-11 points. Writing quality in terms of grammar, punctuation, usage, structure, spacing, etc. as well as reader engagement is below average.
    9 points
    Can earn between 14-15 points. Many errors that disrupt flow an understanding of the presentation.
    Overall Score A Grade
    90 or more
    B Grade
    80 or more
    C Grade
    70 or more
    D Grade
    60 or more


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