Traditional learning methods include lectures hands-on on-the-job training sel

    Traditional learning methods include lectures hands-on on-the-job training self-directed learning apprenticeship case studies business games role plays
    behavior modeling group building cross and team training and so forth. Your textbook covers these methods in detail in Chapter 7.
    For your first post please consider some kind of training you have taken that falls into one of the types discussed in Chapter 7 (not Chapter 8 which comes
    in the other discussion).

    Briefly describe the training and explain the method that was used. If you knew what the learning outcomes were for the training provide those. If not come
    up with one or two that you felt were probably the learning outcomes and provide them. Explain whether the training did or didn%u2019t meet the learning
    outcomes. In other words did you learn what it seemed like you were supposed to learn from the training? Did you feel this method of training worked for the
    training you were involved in? Your professor will follow up with more questions.

    Please feel free to ask your classmates questions about their training as well. (If you have never had training at work talk about some other kind of training
    you have had%u2014sports related the arts etc.). Be sure not to use a technology-based training in this thread because that is what we will discuss
    in the other thread. Only discuss traditional training such as is covered in Chapter 7.

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