Tradition change in “The Lottery” by shirley jackson

    For my research paper I chose to use the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. I chose this literary piece because I am going to examine how the townspeople view and feel about the lottery that is held early. I plan on elaborating on what the lottery’s meaning is. Through the story I have gathered that member’s looks forward to the day as we would look forward to New Year’s Eve for example, the town’s people have no interest in changing the black box, and how the people of the town have blindly accepted this tradition as a normal every year event. This topic interests me because this is a sad tradition that town members look forward to. Who looks forward to killing someone? I plan on using information from the text to support these statements. The characters Old Man Warner and Mrs. Hutchinson play a role the day of the stoning that I plan to further discuss and involve these characters to tie them into the tradition.

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