trade union


    Greenwich School of Management (GSM)

    Title of Module BSc II Human Resource Management October 2012
    Lecturer Stephen P. Makinson
    Assessment Task As a team of HR consultants (3 people per group) you have been commissioned by the
    UNITE trade union to assess the probable changing role of the trade union movement in the United Kingdom
    over the next ten years. Your report and presentation will contain recommendations for potential strategies
    that UNITE may adopt in order to facilitate the interests of its membership.

    By means of a report and 10 minute, powerpoint, presentation to senior officials you must show why your
    strategies will be beneficial to the overall success of the trade union. You must also demonstrate how you
    have structured and costed your suggestions.
    All work must be submitted in hard copy and on CD.
    All work must be accompanied by TURNITIN documentation
    All work must be accompanied by a weekly diary/activity log.
    Learning outcomes to be examined in this assessment
    Critically examine the factors affecting human motivation in a business organisation and how
    motivation affects standards of performance

    Analyse the cause of conflict and alienation at work and evaluate the methods of resolution

    Assessment criteria Explanatory comments on the assessment criteria Maximum marks for each

    Content, style, relevance, originality Clear demonstration of rigorous research from recognised
    authoritative sources. Audience focus. 35%
    Format, referencing, bibliography Harvard 10 %
    Constructive critical analysis, introduction, conclusion Demonstration of a clear understanding of
    the issues. Use of academic models. Clear understanding of a focussed campaign

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