
    GEN104 Discussions Week 2 – Discussion Forum 2!


    This is a graded discussion: 10 points possible due Apr 7

    Week 2 – Discussion Forum 2 1 2

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    Your ini!al discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have un!l Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both thequality of your ini!al post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Se"ngs icon above for guidance onhow your discussion will be evaluated.This discussion forum will be assessed on a 10-point scale and is worth 3% of your final grade.

    Interpre!ng Course Instruc!ons [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2]

    When you think about reading for class, you might think about textbooks, websites, or ar!cles. However, it is also important to be able to read andunderstand the instruc!ons for the ac!vi!es you complete in class. You have started learning about annota!on, and you should annotate the instruc!onsfor discussions, assignments, and other ac!vi!es. Just as you annotate other types of reading to ensure you are following along, you will do the same forinstruc!ons.

    You may have no!ced that many instruc!ons contain ac!on words that describe (“describe” is one of those words) exactly what ac!on you will be taking forthat part of the discussion, assignment, or quiz. Instructors use these verbs to clearly explain to students what they need to do. As a student, you will o#enrun into ac!on words that are difficult to understand.


    Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, review the webpage Higher Order Thinking: Bloom’s Taxonomy .


    Before wri!ng,

    Review the term you selected in Week 1 – Discussion 2.Consider what you think the defini!on of that term is.Be sure to write down this defini!on before looking up the dic!onary defini!on.


    In at least 300 words, address each bullet point below:

    Explain your personal defini!on of the word you chose.Look up and post a defini!on from the Merriam-Webster dic!onary website.

    Share whether the defini!on contained any words that were unfamiliar.Be sure to look up any of those unfamiliar words—that happens a lot!Create an example of course instruc!ons that might contain that word in one to two sentences. Imagine theword you chose was “construct.” A sentence from course instruc!ons might be, “Construct an argument tosupport you view on climate change.”

    Discuss the similari!es and differences between your personal defini!on of the word and the dic!onarydefini!on.Describe how misunderstanding a word might impact your future assignments.

    Guided Response:

    Respond to your peers by comple!ng the following:

    Review several of your peers’ posts. Before reading the en!re post, reflect on the word your peer selected andwhat you think it means.Reply to a minimum of two peers.Share whether your interpreta!on of your peers’ chosen words was similar or different from both their ini!alinterpreta!ons as well as the dic!onary defini!on.Your responses should be at least 100 words each.Consider pos!ng your required replies early in the week to provide opportuni!es for interac!on and furtherdiscourse within this forum.You are encouraged to monitor the discussion forum through Day 7 and respond to anyone who replies to yourini!al post.

    This discussion will be assessed on a 10-point scale and is worth 3% of your final grade.

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    Emily Gaude"e (she/her/hers)Thursday


    # Reply


    The word that I selected last week was support. I think that support means to hold up either a person, argument, or idea. The defini!on of supportfrom the dic!onary is to uphold or defend as valid or right. The defini!on from the dic!onary is very similar to what I had wri&en down as thedefini!on and contained no unfamiliar words.

    This week you learned about smart goals in your weekly lesson and in your assigned reading. Please support your ideas on whether or not having smartgoals will help your professional life.

    My personal defini!on was similar to the dic!onary defini!on is one major way. Both of them give the visual of something (a thought, idea, or even ananswer) being held up by words to prove a point. I however, did not state the defini!on in such a easy to understand way as the dic!onary did.

    Misunderstanding a word while reading a defini!on can be extremally detrimental to understanding what you are reading. Let's say that you arereading the instruc!ons to a very important assignment and come across a word you do not know. You decide that you don't have !me to go look thatword up in the dic!onary so you just con!nue comple!ng the assignment hoping that you guessed correct on the meaning of the word. A few dayslater you get the grade back on the assignment and find out that you got a really low grade because you did not complete the assignment properly.That word that you did not take the !me to look up the meaning to was a very kye element of the project and you did not understand it at all. It isextremally important to understand every word that you come across in your academic and profession lives.

    Kayla Stewart4:39pm


    # Reply


    Demonstrate- The meaning of this word to me is to show how something is done or present something to others. Merriam-Websters defini!on wasdemonstrate is to show clearly, to prove or make clear by reasoning or evidence, and to illustrate and explain especially with many examples, and toshow or prove the value or efficiency of to a prospec!ve buyer. I do not feel that the defini!on contained any words that were unfamiliar.

    I’d like the class to demonstrate how they have annotated the ar!cle that is given in your pdf file.

    The differences in my defini!on and the Merriam-webster defini!on was that the Merriam webster defini!on was more detailed. I think I used basicterms to describe what I felt the word meant where the dic!onary version gives very thorough results and examples of what demonstrate means.

    Misunderstanding a word can cause a huge impact on future assignments because you may misinterpret the en!re assignment if you do notunderstand what a word may mean. It is important to highlight or write down any words that you do not know so you can go back and look up themeaning of the word to be&er understand what you are reading. If you have the clear defini!on of the word and you go back and reread what youdidn’t understand you will read it en!rely differently. You may even get a be&er understanding of what the author was discussing where you may havejust skimmed over it previously without understanding. This also will give you a be&er understanding of what you are reading instead of using contextclues to try to figure out what the author is trying to say. Many !mes, if you do not understand a word the author will s!ll con!nue to discuss the sameword in following sentences so it is a very good idea to always pause and research the defini!on so you can read the informa!on correctly.

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