Topic: Video discussion

    Order Description
    Give your thoughts on videos and information provided, do not describe it as all have seen or read it. just your thought and if possible not mandatory how it could help in your non profit for combat veterans in America.

    Unit 4. Take Action!

    Tactics from Story-Based Strategy
    Reinsborough, P. (2013, May 2). Story-based strategy breaks glass ceiling [Video file]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
    The Center for Story-Based Strategy. (n.d.). Story Based Strategy on Bill Moyers Show [Video file]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)

    Reinsborough, P. (2003, May). Decolonizing the revolutionary imagination: Values crisis, the politics of reality, and why there is going to be a common sense revolution in this generation. Retreived from (Links to an external site.)

    Also, look throught the website of the Center for Story-Based Strategy (Links to an external site.) Take a look at some of their case studies (under “Who We Are”) and their free, downloadable articles, tools and worksheets (under “What We Do”).

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