Topic: U.S intelligence

    Paper details:

    This is my final paper for this course, please prove read it before you send it to me.
    Throughout this course we have explored themes regarding the U.S. Intelligence Community. Those themes include the role, organizational structure, processes, oversight, and many moral, ethical, and legal aspects of intelligence. We have also explored in detail topics in intelligence that include HUMINT, CI, covert action, UAV operations, and cyber intelligence. Through your assigned readings, class lecture and discussion, and the papers you’ve written, you, too, have explored many additional subjects regarding intelligence.

    The following organizational details apply for the format of your final exam:

    • Use Times New Roman 12-font
    • Double space your sentences
    • Ensure you cite appropriate resources in the APA format
    • Provide page numbers
    • Include your name on your paper
    • At the start of your paper, summarize your report in the form of an “Executive Summary,” which is nothing more than a paragraph or two that sum up when you are arguing in your paper.
    • The length of your report is up to you, but if you fail to thoroughly discuss the topic you select, it will affect the grade you receive.

    The final exam is based on real world events, so, you have complete and total access to any legitimate source you can find. You are limited only by your own creativity.
    Detention of Illegal Enemy Combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

    You are to consider the full scope of issues linked to the long-term detention situation at the U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. We have discussed this situation on numerous occasions and how it relates to intelligence operations, interrogation, and its role in countering terrorism and violent extremism as part of the U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy. It seems there are few good options regarding how to “win” the debate regarding the current situation in Guantanamo Bay, and American prestige has eroded due to the current status in which the detainees are maintained. Military Commissions have been created to deal with the detainees, and initial trials are due to begin in the near future. (See the many 60 Minutes stories on CBS News for additional information on the Military Commissions and detention operations at Guantanamo Bay.)

    You are, for the purposes of this question, a staffer on the National Security Council and you have been charged with drafting a comprehensive review of the situation in Guantanamo Bay. You are to offer to the National Security Advisor your best recommendations on how to change the situation in Guantanamo Bay so that U.S. prestige may recover, and yet ensure we can continue to interrogate people captured carrying out, or implicated in, actual or planned terrorist actions. Your solution set should include recommendations on how to restructure the long-term detention of the men currently held in Guantanamo Bay, or provide a viable solution on how to remove them from U.S. custody. You may offer any recommendations you can conceive of, but they must be viable options.

    Take into account in your response what the administration will need to do to win over “stakeholders” who will align against your recommendations. Also, consider where you can gain support for your recommendations within the U.S. government, in academia, with our allies, friends, and partner nations, and with private or NGO groups around the world; list those potential supporters and how you would mobilize them in support of your recommended policy changes. Do not forget to establish the parameters for continued detention as applied under international law and treaties applicable to this issue.
    Required Texts/Readings

    Lowenthal, M. M. (2012). Intelligence – From Secrets to Policy (6th ed). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc, and CQ Press.
    (ISBN: 978-1-483-30778-7 (Paperback Edition))

    Richelson, J. T. (2012). The U.S. Intelligence Community (7th ed). Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
    (ISBN 978-0-8133-4918-3 (Paperback Edition))

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