Topic: The topic related to clinical research in practice: improving guidelines/procedures about handling controlled drugs

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    The topic related to clinical research in practice: improving guidelines/procedures about handling controlled drugs
    My message to my mentor is:
    we have a problem in our department of Anaesthesia in the roles of staff handling medication and policies regarding controlled drugs i.e narcotics and scheduled drugs and this lead to some discrepancies in drugs prescription and two incidents of medication abuse i.e midazolam and
    pethidine in the last five years. I would like to overview this issue in the assignment and if we want to do a research to tackle this issue how can we avoid breaking trust given to staff handling the medication and the best way to follow suspicious abuse.

    my mentor request is to focus on (creating improved guidelines/procedures). you would need to critically review the literature (research and policy)
    on handling controlled drugs to determine what approach has the best evidence.
    You might particularly look at evidence for reduced errors and misuse.
    You might also compare best practice with the procedures in your current workplace.
    Then you will need to come up with some recommendations and discuss
    the potential barriers to achieving the recommendations.
    From this, you will come up with some actions that could be taken to improve the
    situation that are achievable and present these as a SMART action plan, which is added to the assignment as an appendix.

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