Topic: Syrian Crisis

    Order Description
    1. focus on civilization and humanity refugee
    2. this essay has to answer these questions:
    (1) is terrorism and refugee come together? what relationship between terrorism and refugee? Do all countries work together? Such as conflict between U.S and Russia, also Turkey shoots down Russian jet.
    (2) Does military weapon help or harm? why?
    (3) are refugee a security problem or humanity concern? why?
    Global 1 Paper Prompt 3: Syrian Crisis
    How are the recent terrorist attacks in Paris impacting the international community’s attempts to develop multilateral solutions to the ongoing Syrian refugee crisis?
    Some possible resources: To Save Paris, Defeat ISIS

    What Will Come After Paris

    Terrorism Expert Warns Isis Is Trying To Incite War With Paris Attacks attacks/36463794
    Ways to Respond to the Paris Attacks

    Paris Terror Attacks Transform Debate Over Europe’s Migration Crisis
    Refugees Across Europe Fear Repercussions From Paris Attacks

    The Refugees & the New War
    Directions:?We are not asking you to simply summarize the readings or answer the questions above. We are asking you to use concepts from the course readings and lectures to make your own coherent argument about the topic. Cite specific concepts, short quotes and examples from the readings as evidence to support your own argument.

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