Topic: Rhetoric Analysis: Judging Effectiveness

    Order Description
    Essay 1:

    Rhetoric Analysis: Judging Effectiveness
    Purpose: To analyze and evaluate the rhetorical strategies of one of the class texts—one of this year’s Superbowl commercials that you can access through the link I provide on d2l. The basic question is: Which elements make the commercial effective or prevent it from being so? Your thesis should give an overall assessment of the commercial’s effectiveness or lack thereof. Your forecast should include the main elements you’ll analyze to prove your thesis.

    Specific Goals:

    a) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the term “rhetorical analysis”

    b) Analyze multiple strategies used by your chosen commercial to argue its effectiveness or lack thereof

    c) Show correct use of quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing

    d) Write an organized essay in Standard Written English
    To create your thesis, consider the following:

    the author’s purpose
    the original audience and context
    emotional appeals—how the author (writer, company, etc.) makes you feel (the use of pathos)
    ethical appeals—how you feel about the author (the use of ethos)
    logical appeals—use of concrete points, organization (the use of logos)
    the deliberate use of language—syntax, diction, vocabulary, formality, accent
    the style and tone—formal, informal, cheerful, sarcastic, humorous, etc.
    the visual effects—light, contrast, arrangement, color, framing, balance
    sound effects—noises, music, voices
    context—expectations, cultural aspects
    reality factor—real world vs. fantasy world (magic, outer space, etc.)
    personal factor—your unique tie to this commercial (why it works/doesn’t work for you)
    Your essay needn’t be exhaustive: Instead you should choose among an arsenal of rhetorical strategies to create your argument.

    Examples of possible theses:

    Although Sony’s Starburst 2016 commercial is convincing thanks to its ethical appeals and use of language, the tone detracts from the overall effect because…..

    The Volkswagen 574 commercial makes a strong logical appeal by explaining the benefits of using electricity instead of gasoline, but the commercial is ineffective because ….

    Additional Notes:

    1. Few texts are great or awful in everything. Your essay will be more convincing if you include both strengths and weaknesses.

    2. Briefly describe what happens in the commercial. Include this information in your intro or use a separate initial body paragraph. (Three sentences should be more than enough.)

    3. Watch the commercial multiple times to discover an interesting, innovative thesis.

    4. If appropriate, feel free to include a personal angle. (However, avoid writing “I think,” etc. It’s your essay. I know it’s what you think.)

    4. Discuss texts in present tense: The Doritos commercial suggests that……

    5. To avoid losing credit, compose your essay in STANDARD WRITTEN ENGLISH. Take the time to edit carefully, giving special attention to the items we reviewed in class.

    6. Make full use of workshopping sessions. Your peers will often have excellent suggestions. If your drafts don’t show changes, you won’t get credit for workshopping, and your final essay will be marked down a letter grade per workshopping session.

    7. Submit your classmates’ drafts along with a list of their comments when you submit your final paper.

    8. As a final step, upload your essay to d2l the day it’s due.
    Length: 1250-1750 words (5-7 typed pages). If your essay runs a bit longer, that’s fine. If your essay is way too short, it won’t explain enough to be effective, so it won’t earn a passing grade.

    here are several lists of SB commercials to choose from.

    (Some are repeated on more than one list.)

    Top 10 Funniest

    Top 10 Best

    Top 20 Compilation

    Top 3 Doritos

    First Date Hyundai

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