Topic: Nursing Leadership Styles

    Order Description
    Leadership Style Assessment

    Review the different types of leadership styles and type a 2 page paper using 6th edition APA format distinguishing the styles of leadership and the style you most identify with. You must include a title page and reference page and use appropriate headings with in the paper. A page is counted as a page when ¾ of the page is used. You should have an introductory paragraph as well as a summary paragraph. Acronyms first are to be identified with the noun, then may be used. Be sure to avoid one-sentence paragraphs. Write out numbers less than 10. Follow the First Person Guidelines. It may be helpful to use the following sentence as the last sentence in your introductory paragraph: “The purpose of this paper is ………”

    • Styles of leadership discussed (50points)
    • Your leadership style (25 points)
    • APA format followed (25points)
    • Up to 25 points can be deducted for grammatical and syntax errors

    Management Style: Five Leadership Types for Nurse Leaders
    There are many identified styles of leadership, and Servant Leadership is one that has grown in popularity in the last few years. In the 1970’s, Robert Greenleaf created this term to describe leaders who influence and motivate others by building relationships and developing the skills of individual team members. A Servant Leader makes sure the needs of the individual team members are addressed. In this style of management, the entire team has input into decision making based on the organization’s values and ideals. Servant leaders create devoted followers in response to positive attention they give. Characteristic skills of a servant leader include:

    • Listening
    • Acceptance
    • Awareness
    • Persuasion
    • Foresight
    • Commitment to the growth of others
    • Building community within the organization
    A very similar style, Transformational Leadership, is also based on building relationships and motivating staff members through a shared vision and mission. Transformational leaders typically have charisma to communicate vision, confidence to act in a way that inspires others, staff respect and loyalty from letting the team know they are important, and are masters at helping people do things they weren’t sure they could do by giving encouragement and praise. A similar style is the Democratic Leader who encourages open communication and staff participation in decisions. Workers are given responsibility, accountability, and feedback regarding their performance. Relationships are important to this leader who places a focus on quality improvement of systems and processes, rather than on mistakes of individual team members.
    The Authoritarian or Autocratic Leadership style is demonstrated when a leader makes all decisions without considering input from staff. Negative reinforcement and punishment are often used to enforce rules. Because knowledge is seen as power, critical information may be withheld from the team. Mistakes are not tolerated and blame is placed on individuals rather than on faulty processes. The positive side of this style is that it works perfectly in emergencies or chaotic situations where there is little time for discussion. It is useful when enforcing policies and procedures that protect resident health and safety, but it does not promote trust, communication, or teamwork when used for day-to-day operations. Authoritarian leaders are often micromanagers. Conversely, Laissez-faire Leadership is a style in which the leader provides little or no direction or supervision, and prefers to take a hands-off approach.

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