Topic: Nurse Practitioner Trajectory

    As your core classes come to a close now you must develop a plan to become a Nurse Practitioner in the field of palliative care. First, take time to examine the roles of the advanced practice nurse within the context of the United States healthcare delivery system. Identify your preferred areas of practice (e.g. populations, geographical locations, clinical settings, etc.) and necessary steps to reach this goal (including acquiring licensure, certification, DEA numbers, etc.). Further, identify areas of involvement, such as research, policy, etc., that you would like to be involved in and create your plan for lifelong learning and professional development. Be sure to use the grading rubric as an outline for developing your paper!
    Your paper should be 3-5 pages (excluding the title and reference pages).
    At least 7 References are needed.
    Identify and describe preferred areas of practice (e.g. populations, geographical locations, clinical settings, etc.) – Preferred areas of practice are clearly identified and described.
    Identify necessary steps to practice as an NP (including acquiring licensure, certification, DEA numbers, etc.)- Necessary steps to practice as an NP clearly identified
    Identify areas of involvement, such as research, policy, etc., that you would like to be involved in. Explain
    why you chose these areas.- Areas of involvement clearly identified and explanation for choices clear
    Present your plan for lifelong learning and professional development.- Plan for lifelong learning and professional development clearly presented.




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