Topic: multimorbidity

    Order Description
    Project Research Questions
    1. What is the prevalence of multi-morbidity in secondary care (hospital) populations?
    2. What is the trend over time?
    3. Does multi-morbidity impact on the length of stay, readmission rate and mortality?

    You will undertake a systematic review of the published literature searching Medline, Embase and other appropriate literature databases. You will design a data extraction tool and use this for critically appraising and extracting data from the studies you identify. You will create evidence summary tables and will use these in a descriptive analysis. Meta-analysis will be conducted if the data allow.

    the proposal will take the format of
    1.2.1 Introduction
    The review protocol sets out the methods to be used in the review. Decisions about the
    review question, inclusion criteria, search strategy, study selection, data extraction,
    quality assessment, data synthesis and plans for dissemination should be addressed.
    Specifying the methods in advance reduces the risk of introducing bias into the review.
    For example, clear inclusion criteria avoids selecting studies according to whether their
    results refl ect a favoured conclusion.
    If modifi cations to the protocol are required, these should be clearly documented and
    justifi ed. Modifi cations may arise from a clearer understanding of the review question,
    and should not be made because of an awareness of the results of individual studies.
    Further information is given in Section 1.2.4 How to deal with protocol amendments
    during the review.
    Protocol development is often an iterative process that requires communication within
    the review team and advisory group and sometimes with the funder.
    1.2.2 Key areas to cover in a review protocol
    This section covers the development of the protocol and the information it should
    contain. The formulation of the review objectives from the review question and the
    setting of inclusion criteria are covered in detail here as these must be agreed before
    starting a review. The search strategy, study selection, data extraction, quality
    assessment, synthesis and dissemination are also mentioned briefl y as they are
    essential parts of the review protocol. However, to avoid repetition, full details of the
    issues related to both protocol requirements and carrying out the review are provided in
    Section 1.3 Undertaking the review. Background
    The background section should communicate the key contextual factors and conceptual
    issues relevant to the review question. It should explain why the review is required and
    provide the rationale underpinning the inclusion criteria and the focus of the review
    question, for example justifying the choice of interventions to be considered in the review. Review question and inclusion criteria
    Systematic reviews should set clear questions, the answers to which will provide
    meaningful information that can be used to guide decision-making. These should be
    stated clearly and precisely in the protocol. Questions may be extremely specifi c or very
    broad, although if broad, it may be more appropriate to break this down into a series
    of related more specifi c questions. For example a review to ‘assess the evidence on the
    positive and negative effects of population-wide drinking water fl uoridation strategies to
    prevent caries’,13 was undertaken by addressing fi ve objectives:
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    Core principles and methods for conducting a systematic review of health interventions
    Objective 1: What are the effects of fl uoridation of drinking water supplies on the
    incidence of caries?
    Objective 2: If water fl uoridation is shown to have benefi cial effects, what is the
    effect over and above that offered by the use of alternative interventions and
    Objective 3: Does water fl uoridation result in a reduction of caries across social
    groups and between geographical locations, bringing equity?
    Objective 4: Does water fl uoridation have negative effects?
    Objective 5: Are there differences in the effects of natural and artifi cial water
    fl uoridation?
    Where there are several objectives it may be necessary to prioritise by importance and
    likelihood of being able to answer the question. It may even be necessary to restrict the
    scope of the question to a level that is manageable within set resources. For clarity, the
    singular term ‘review question’ is used throughout the guidance.The review question can be framed in terms of the population,
    intervention(s), comparator(s) and outcomes of the studies that will
    be included in the review. These elements of the review question,
    together with study design, will then be refi ned in order to determine
    the specifi c inclusion criteria that will be used when selecting
    studies for the review. Although both the acronyms PICO or PICOS
    are commonly used, here the term PICOS will be used throughout
    for consistency. In some situations, not all the elements will be relevant, for example
    not every review question will specify type of study design to be included. The use of
    PICOS in the context of reviews incorporating different study designs is discussed in the
    relevant chapters.
    The review question may be presented in general terms, for example, ‘What is the best
    treatment option for retinoblastoma?’ More often the actual question is discussed by
    the review team and an objective, or series of objectives, framed by the population,
    the intervention and the outcome(s) of interest agreed. For example, ‘The objective
    of this review is to assess the clinical effectiveness of treatments for childhood
    retinoblastoma.’14 The PICOS elements for this example are shown in Box 1.2.
    The included population should be relevant to the population to which the review
    fi ndings will be applied, and explicit inclusion criteria should be defi ned in terms of the
    disease or condition of interest. Any specifi ed restrictions should be clinically justifi able
    and relevant. Eligibility must usually be applied to the whole study and consideration of
    how to deal with studies that include a mixed population, some of whom are relevant
    to the review and some of whom are not, is required. If the inclusion criteria are broad,
    it may be informative to investigate effectiveness across subgroups of participants.
    However, in the absence of individual patient data (IPD), or very detailed reporting
    of data, broken down by participant characteristics, it is unlikely that inclusion can be
    restricted to particular types of participant or that detailed subgroup analyses will be
    possible. Where analysis of participant subgroups is planned, this should be specifi ed in
    the protocol. Examples of factors that may be investigated include participants’ gender,
    age, disease severity, the presence of any co-morbidities, socio-economic status,
    ethnicity and geographical area.
    Interventions and comparators
    The nature of the interventions explored in the review may be framed in very broad
    terms like ‘psychosocial interventions’ or may be more specifi c such as ‘cognitive
    behavioural therapy’. Factors usually specifi ed include the precise nature of the
    intervention (e.g. the method of administration of a drug), the person delivering the
    intervention (e.g. a community psychiatric nurse versus a non-professional carer) or
    setting in which the intervention is delivered (e.g. inpatient or outpatient).
    Where comparative studies are to be included, the protocol should also specify which
    comparators are eligible. As with the interventions, comparators should be carefully
    defi ned, so that the scope of a term such as ‘palliative care’ or ‘usual care’ is clear.
    The protocol should also specify whether any co-interventions carried out at the same
    time affect eligibility for inclusion; this applies to both the intervention(s) and the
    Study design
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    Core principles and methods for conducting a systematic review of health interventions
    The success or failure of a therapeutic intervention will usually be assessed in terms
    of differences in mortality or morbidity in the populations treated. Primary outcomes
    are likely to include measures of mortality and morbidity but other outcomes may also
    be of importance, for example measures of quality of life and participants’ subjective
    experiences of pain or physical functioning.
    A review should explore a clearly defi ned set of relevant outcomes and it is important
    to justify each outcome included. Input from the advisory group and the fi ndings from
    initial scoping searches and qualitative research may be helpful in deciding which
    outcomes to include.
    The use of surrogate outcomes may be misleading, giving an over or underestimate of
    the true clinical outcome.15 Decisions about whether to consider surrogate outcomes
    should therefore be informed by available evidence about associations between the
    surrogate (e.g. blood pressure) and the outcome of interest (e.g. stroke). Often,
    surrogate outcomes are included only where a study also reports a relevant clinical
    The review may also consider the timing of outcome assessment and possible adverse
    effects of the intervention. If the review is considering cost-effectiveness or economic
    issues as well as clinical effectiveness, the relevant economic outcomes should also be
    specifi ed.
    Although the review may aim to consider a series of outcomes, it is rare that inclusion
    would be restricted to only those studies that report all the outcomes of interest. More
    usually inclusion criteria will require that included studies report the main outcome.
    Study design
    The types of study included in the review will play a major role in determining the
    reliability of the results and the validity of estimates of effect is linked to the study
    design. While some study designs are clearly more robust than others, this should not
    be the only factor in determining which types of study are eligible for inclusion.16
    Scoping searches may reveal that there are likely to be only a limited number of
    relevant randomised studies. In this case researchers have the option of justifying a
    decision to limit study design, bearing in mind that the identifi cation of gaps in the
    current evidence base may in itself be a signifi cant fi nding of the review. Alternatively,
    they can include quasi-experimental or observational studies. For reviews in some
    topic areas, these may be the only types of study available. The study design inclusion
    criteria given as an example in Box 1.2 have been set to take account of the paucity of
    experimental studies, as indicated by the scoping searches.
    In some cases a range of study designs may be needed to address different questions
    within the same review. For example, a review seeking to include information on
    adverse events will often include case-control and/or case-series (see Chapter 4) whilst
    a review incorporating participants’ experiences of an intervention is likely to include
    qualitative studies (see Chapter 6). The potential biases from the inclusion of a range of
    study designs are discussed in Section 1.3.4 Quality assessment.
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    Systematic Reviews Defi ning inclusion criteria
    The inclusion criteria should be set out in the protocol, to ensure that the boundaries of
    the review question are clearly defi ned. In the example in Box 1.2, the population to be
    studied was specifi ed in the review question as those with ‘childhood’ retinoblastoma.
    In addition to qualifying ‘childhood’ as under 18, appropriate timeframes for disease
    progression and treatment and the possibilities of concurrent disease processes have
    been taken into account. In reviews of interventions relating to other diseases it may be
    necessary to be more specifi c about how the disease of interest will be verifi ed, and to
    specify the disease stage and severity. In the simple example given in Box 1.2 the key
    interventions and outcomes of interest are listed.
    The nature of the intervention(s) and comparator(s) should be specifi ed in detail. Whilst
    this may be more straightforward for drug interventions, more complex interventions
    may require detailed consideration of terms. For example, interventions such as ‘stress
    management’ or ‘relaxation’ may be defi ned differently by different study authors.
    Therefore researchers need to be clear about their own defi nitions and what elements
    are acceptable. An operational defi nition describing the content and delivery of the
    intervention will usually be helpful.
    The inclusion criteria should capture all studies of interest. If the criteria are too
    narrowly defi ned there is a risk of missing potentially relevant studies and the
    generalisability of the results may be reduced. On the other hand, if the criteria are too
    broad the review may contain information which is hard to compare and synthesise.17,18
    Inclusion criteria also need to be practical to apply; if they are too detailed, screening
    may become overly complicated and time consuming.
    Methodological quality
    As previously stated, a review should be based on the best quality evidence available
    (see Box 1.3). Whatever the study design(s) included, it should not be assumed that
    all studies of the same basic design (e.g. RCT) are equally well-conducted. The quality
    of the included studies should be formally assessed as this will impact on the reliability
    of the results and therefore on the conclusions drawn. Although quality assessment
    can sometimes be used to exclude studies that do not meet certain criteria, this is not
    standard practice and differential quality is more usually assessed at the synthesis
    stage through sensitivity analysis. For further information see Section 1.3.4 Quality
    assessment and Section 1.3.5 Data synthesis.Language
    The ideal for most systematic reviews is to include all available relevant evidence. In
    principle, this includes studies written in any language to avoid the introduction of
    language bias into the review. Language bias arises because studies with statistically
    signifi cant results that have been conducted in non-English speaking countries may be
    more likely to be published in English language journals than those with nonsignifi cant
    results.19 In addition, trials originating in certain countries have been found to have
    unusually high proportions of positive results.20
    Thus, if reviews include only studies reported in English, their results and inferences
    may be biased.19-21 Even if language bias does not infl uence summary effect estimates,
    it is likely to affect precision, because analysis will be based on fewer data.22 Whenever
    feasible, all relevant studies should be included regardless of language. However,
    realistically this is not always possible due to a lack of time, resources and facilities
    for translation. It is advisable therefore, to identify all non-English language papers,
    document their existence, but record ‘language’ as the reason for exclusion in cases
    where they cannot be dealt with. Although titles and abstracts are translated in many
    databases, full papers are usually only available in their primary language.
    When a decision is made to include non-English language studies, the review question
    should inform the decision about which languages are chosen, as studies of particular
    interventions and/or settings are more likely than others to be published in certain
    languages. An investigation of the inclusion of non-English language reports of RCTs
    in systematic reviews concluded that language restrictions do not appear to bias
    the estimates in reviews of conventional interventions, but may bias the results of
    complementary or alternative medicines.23 Researchers need to give careful thought
    as to whether imposing language restrictions may potentially bias the results of their
    individual review. When non-English language literature is included in a review, its
    infl uence on the estimation and precision of effect may be explored in a sensitivity
    Publication type/status
    Studies are not always published as full papers in peer-reviewed journals; they may
    be published as reports, book chapters, conference abstracts, theses or they may be
    informally reported or remain unpublished. Ideally a review should aim to include all
    relevant studies, regardless of publication status, in order to avoid publication bias.
    Publication bias occurs when the publication of a study is infl uenced by its results, hence
    inclusion of only published studies may overestimate the intervention effect.24
    There are practical issues that limit the inclusion of all studies regardless of publication
    type/status. Unpublished studies are likely to be harder to source, and more diffi cult
    to obtain, than published studies. The inclusion of conference abstracts and interim
    results should be considered, bearing in mind that contact with the study authors
    may be required to obtain full study details.25 The effects of including any data from
    abstracts alone should be carefully considered, since differences often occur between
    data reported in conference abstracts and their corresponding full reports, although
    differences in results are seldom large.26, 27 Also, it can be diffi cult to appraise study
    quality from minimal details provided in an abstract. Sensitivity analyses may be carried
    out to examine the effect of including data from conference abstracts.28
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    Core principles and methods for conducting a systematic review of health interventions
    The identifi cation of ongoing studies is important for a number of reasons. They may
    provide a useful starting point for subsequent reviews and updates; they may also
    improve the quality of conclusions about future research by indicating where new
    research has already commenced. Information about ongoing studies may be available
    as ‘partially published research’ like conference abstracts – these can be classifi ed as
    ongoing studies which may contribute to future reviews.29 Identifying research evidence
    A preliminary search strategy for identifying relevant research should be included in
    the protocol. This should specify the databases and additional sources that will be
    searched, and also the likely search terms to be used. The search strategy should be
    constructed to take into account PICOS, although the outcome(s) of studies and/or
    study design are not always used. Incorporating decisions about publication status and
    language restrictions also needs to be made at this stage. In reviews of one year or
    more duration, or reviews in rapidly evolving fi elds, provision for repeating the searches
    towards the end of the review process should also be considered. In addition it may
    be useful to carry out current awareness searches to identify relevant papers as they
    are published. The approach taken will depend on the question and the topic, and also
    on the available time and resources. It is usual to include in the protocol details of the
    software that will be used to manage references. Further information is given in Section
    1.3.1 Identifying research evidence for systematic reviews. Study selection
    Study selection is usually conducted in two stages: an initial screening of titles and
    abstracts against the inclusion criteria to identify potentially relevant papers followed
    by screening of the full papers identifi ed as possibly relevant in the initial screening.
    The protocol should specify the process by which decisions on the selection of studies
    will be made. This should include the number of researchers who will screen titles and
    abstracts and then full papers, and the method for resolving disagreements about study
    eligibility. Section 1.3.2 Study selection contains more information. Data extraction
    The protocol should outline the information that will be extracted from studies
    identifi ed for inclusion in the review and provide details of any software to be used for
    recording the data. As with study selection the protocol should state the procedure
    for data extraction including the number of researchers who will extract the data
    and how discrepancies will be resolved. The protocol should also specify whether
    authors of primary studies will be contacted to provide missing or additional data. If
    foreign language papers are to be included, it may be necessary to specify translation
    arrangements. Further information is given in Section 1.3.3 Data extraction.
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    Systematic Reviews Quality assessment
    The protocol should provide details of the method of study appraisal to be used,
    including examples of the specifi c quality criteria. Details of how the study appraisal is
    to be used should be specifi ed, for example whether the results will inform sensitivity
    analyses. The protocol should also specify the process for conducting the appraisal
    of study quality, the number of researchers involved, and how disagreements will be
    resolved. For a detailed discussion of these issues see Section 1.3.4 Quality assessment. Data synthesis
    As far as possible, the protocol should specify the strategy for data synthesis. It should
    state whether a meta-analysis is planned, although whether a planned meta-analysis
    will ultimately prove possible will depend on the studies and data that are available. As
    analyses will depend on what data are available, and because it is diffi cult to anticipate
    all of the statistical issues that may arise, it can be diffi cult to pre-specify full details of
    the planned synthesis. However, the protocol should outline how heterogeneity will be
    explored and quantifi ed, under what circumstances a meta-analysis would be considered
    appropriate and whether a fi xed or random-effects model or both would be used. Where
    appropriate, the approach to narrative synthesis should also be outlined. The protocol
    should also specify the outcomes of interest and what effect measures will be used. Any
    planned subgroup or sensitivity analyses or investigation of publication bias should also
    be described. Further information is given in Section 1.3.5 Data synthesis. Dissemination
    Dissemination of fi ndings is an integral part of the review process and fundamental to
    ensuring that the essential messages from the review reach the appropriate audiences.
    It is helpful to consider how the review fi ndings will be disseminated from as early a
    stage as possible to allow adequate time for planning and development and to ensure
    that the proposed activities are properly resourced. Details are given in Section 1.3.8
    Disseminating the fi ndings of systematic reviews.
    1.2.3 Approval of the draft protocol
    Some commissioning or funding bodies may require that they formally approve
    the protocol, and will provide input to the draft protocol, in addition to the other
    stakeholders, such as clinical and methodological experts, patient groups and service
    users, who may be consulted. For commissioned reviews, even where it is not a specifi c
    requirement, it can be useful to communicate with the commissioner at the protocol
    development stage. This will help to ensure that the protocol meets the commissioning
    brief or where the review question or the scope of the project has been altered, that this
    is agreed before work commences.

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