Topic: Mental Health Concerns in the Older Adult

    Order Description
    Complete a Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) on an older adult using this document and write a descriptive essay regarding this assessment.

    In the paper, first introduce the reader to the older adult that was examined. Explain the meaning of the results of all five areas of the test. From the interpretation of the test, do you have any concerns about this individual and what interventions would you recommend?

    Suppose this individual demonstrated some degree of cognitive impairment and had a long standing chronic mental health diagnosis such as OCD or bipolar disease. How would one recognize delirium and mental illness in the patient who also demonstrated cognitive impairment from the MMSE data? Would the findings in the MMSE be different? In what ways? How do the goals of treatment differ in the elderly patient with CI, delirium, and mental illness superimposed on other chronic conditions?

    Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing. (2012). ConsultGeriRN – Geriatric nursing resources. Retrieved from

    The finished Assignment should be a minimum of 3 pages in length, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.

    Required Activities

    Textbook Information:

    Title: Ebersole & Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging: Human Needs & Nursing

    Response, 8th Edition

    Author(s): Touhy, T., & Jett, K.

    ISBN: 978-0-323-07316-5

    Publisher: Elsevier

    Textbook reading:

    Ebersole and Hess’ Toward Healthy Aging: Human Needs and Nursing Response:
    •Chapter 18
    •Chapter 19

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