Topic: LGBT(lesbians gay, bisexual,transgender) barriers in community LGBT(lesbians gay, bisexual,transgender) barriers in Clinical Journal (10 pts. Each/ total 100 points)

    Topic: LGBT(lesbians gay, bisexual,transgender) barriers in community LGBT(lesbians gay, bisexual,transgender) barriers in

    Clinical Journal (10 pts. Each/ total 100 points)

    The student will compose 250-300 words (1-2 pages) a clinical Journal that entails a critical reflection and thoughts relating the content of the course and the clinical experience. Beginning the first week of class and clinical experience, a total of 10 journals along with a referenced article are required. Please bear in mind that your journal must be focused on the community agency experiences. For example, HIV population as a community, you will describe your clinical learning experiences in the journal and reference an article in APA format that pertains to the HIV research, education, prevention, treatment, or resources. A journal entry typically develops two learning objectives each week from your clinical experience, and then describes as how these two objectives were met during the clinical experience. (Document to be used can be found in Blackboard-weekly material-course documents)
    1) Develop two objectives, then
    2) Describe your clinical observation/experience
    a) Full description of events: identify important points
    3) Describe as how your clinical observations/experiences relate to the course objectives.
    a) What insights did you gain from your clinical experience and the practice of community health nursing?
    b) Where does this fit in with your learning objectives?
    4) Describe future strategies/changes from your clinical observations/experiences
    a. How will this impact your future practice?
    b. Will your professional practice change and why or why not?
    c. What would you do differently if you had the chance?
    5. Reference one Evidenced-based and/ or Best Nursing Practice article in APA format that applies to your clinical situation/experience.


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