Topic: “keys to success” for effective project planning

    Order Description
    Case Assignment
    Required: (Use Heading for paragraphs)
    You are to carefully read the following three articles and then develop an integrative essay which focuses on “keys to success” for effective project planning. This should be a 4 page essay. Note that each of the articles below focuses on different elements, but has combinations of many of the components of planning.
    Lavell, Debra & Martinelli, Russell. (2008). Program and Project Retrospectives: Achieving organizational buy-in (Part 2 of a Series). PM World Today. Vol. X, Issue II.
    Scott, Mark. (2009). Tranforming the Culture with OPM3: Harris Corporation Case. Retrieved on July 29, 2012 from–Part-1-of-3—An-Overview#redirect
    Michael, John K., Kashiwagi, Dean & Sullivan, Kenneth T. (2008). Leadership Based Project Management Model Tested On Food Services at Arizona State University. PM World Today.Vol. X, Issue X.
    Assignment Expectations (Use Heading for paragraphs)
    Your paper will be evaluated based on your ability to demonstrate critical thinking and synthesize the three readings in developing your own “Keys to Success.” Be sure to document the sources of information you are using to develop and support your paper. Logic and clarity are critical, headings can help you organized your thoughts.

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