Topic is required to be relevant to current real-world national security, homeland security, law enforcement or private sector infrastructure communities use of intelligence led enforcement operations or issues

    Terminal Objective: Choose research topic related to intelligence led enforcement operations, you will conduct the appropriate literature review and research to provide a comprehensive research paper.

    Your research topic is required to be relevant to current real-world national security, homeland security, law enforcement or private sector infrastructure communities use of intelligence led enforcement operations or issues. The research paper will be 6 pages (single space, 12 point New Times Roman) monograph describing a contemporary intelligence led enforcement issue(s) that you will analyze and make recommendations.
    The objective of your final comprehensive research paper is to demonstrate you have acquired a broad understanding of applicable principles that intelligence led enforcement concepts and philosophies and how they support the ability of national security, homeland security, law enforcement and private sector intelligence operations to meet the organizational mission as well as detect, deter, prevent, respond to and mitigate criminal and terrorist activities. Your research paper provides you the opportunity to demonstrate that you can synthesize and apply what was presented during this course to real-world intelligence led enforcement management problems and decisions making.

    The criteria for the comprehensive research paper should follow the following format for submission to the course instructor:

    Cover Page: List Title of Case Study Topic (Name of Topic Reviewed)
    Course Name and Number: INMS 640 Intelligence Led Enforcement
    Section Number_______

    Term: (Fall, Spring, Summer 201X)
    Student Name:
    Date Submitted:

    Body of Research Paper
    Paragraph one: Brief summary of your analysis and findings of your research.
    Your findings and observations regarding the research topic.
    Provided justification and evidence of your analysis and points of view.
    Conclusion(s) based upon your research and analysis.

    Bibliography: List all literature and references used in the Research Paper.


    The grading rubric for this research paper is the same that is listed in your course syllabus, which is:

    Evaluation Criteria Instructor’s Evaluation
    Content of paper (Critical Thinking, Analysis, Research, Creativity, Presentation [40% of total grade – 10 points]. 7-Show critical thing and reasoning. Made assertions and provided evidence to support those assertions and points of view.

    Application of Theory and knowledge to given facts [30% or total grade – 8 points]. 5-Provided evidence that you understood the and could apply theory and knowledge

    Completeness: (Meets Assignment Parameters, Instruction, Purpose [15% – 4 points]. 2-Meet and completed assignment as required and covered the subject matter and topic comprehensively to ensure the reader knew your point of view.

    Terminology [5%- 1 point] 1-Appropriate use of terminology and in the correct context in all instances.

    Organization: (Thesis Statement, Introduction, Body of Report, Recommendations and Conclusion(s) [6% – 1 point] 1-Organization of the report was relevant to the topic, clear and understandable with a logical flow and logical use of evidence to support points of view.
    Mechanics: (Grammar, Punctuation, Proper Word Usage, Spelling [5%- 1 point]) 1 -Proper citations, punctuation, spelling, and word usage with the exception a few minor mistakes
    TOTAL 100% = 25 points YOUR SCORE:

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