Topic: Improving Organizational Performance


    Order Description
    Analyse the findings of this report and Choose TWO of the 10 case studies to base your essay upon. You are required to compare and contrast their approach to high performance work (HPW) and/or Performance Management (PM) practices.

    Choices/ options
    Case Study 1: Aspect Capital
    Case Study 2: Bacardi & Martini UK
    Case Study 3: Data Connection
    Case Study 4: Flight Centre
    Case Study 5: i-Level
    Case Study 6: Pannone& Partners
    Case Study 7: Quest Diagnostics:
    Case Study 8: St. Luke’s
    Case Study 9: Timpson
    Case Study 10: W L Gore

    Choose only TWO of these case studies, and justify your choice.
    Your essay should include the following:
    1. An introduction to the companies you have chosen, and your rationale for choosing these in order to compare and contrast their approaches;
    2. A critical academic discussion of academic definitions of PM/HPW. Evidence of understanding of the conceptual framework that underpins PM; e.g motivation theory. A critical discussion of the role of the Line Manager;
    3. A discussion which compares and contrasts the application of FOUR of the following areas in the two chosen company approaches:
    ONLY choose FOUR AREAS to discuss
    • Integration with other HR practices
    • Commitment & Reward (Non-financial rewards and pay)
    • Employee Skills and Training needs
    • High Employee Involvement
    • Process of Performance Management: A Cycle of Expectations, Goal Setting, Support (Feedback & Coaching), Review, Analysis and Assessment
    • Managing Team Performance
    • Managing Organisational Performance (Roles of HR, Line Manager & under performance)

    4. A final conclusion to summarize the key points of the essay discussion, and makes the links of the theories discussed with practice.

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