Topic: Ideologies of the Axis Powers

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    Read carefully the two documents in the section “Ideologies of the Axis Powers” at the end of Chapter 20. Write a 700-900 word essay addressing the following questions: In what ways did Hitler and the authors of the Cardinal Principles find fault with mainstream Western societies and their political and social values?
    Read carefully the two documents in the section “Ideologies of the Axis Powers” at the end of Chapter 20. Write a 700-900 word essay addressing the following questions: To what extent were the ideas in these documents new and revolutionary? In what respects did they draw upon long-standing traditions in their societies? What aspects of modern life did they accept, and what aspects of modern life did they reject?
    Your thesis statement should reflect the question-cluster you have chosen. The thesis statement is highlighted in bold or italicized lettering. The text is Robert W. Strayer, Ways of the World: A Brief Global History, with Sources, Vol. 2, 3rd edition, 2016. (MacMillan Higher Education). ISBN: 978-1-319-01842-9

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