Topic: formal structure reflection

    Order Description
    You are required to reference the textbook for this assignment where you will read about ‘levels of
    Passer, Smith and Norris (2016, pp. 13­14 & 25­27) or
    Passer and Smith (2013, pp. 11­12 & 23­25; 2010, pp. 4­5 & 18­20).
    (Note that the above refers to the three editions of the textbook now in circulation ­ 3rd edition – 2016;
    2nd edition – 2013; and 1st edition – 2010.)

    Using levels of analysis to reflect on my experiences of studying and learning
    You will use the following headings (in bold) under the title:
    1. Summary of the levels of analysis framework
    (40% ­ approximately 300 words)
    In this section you will provide a summary of the ‘levels of analysis’ framework used in psychology to
    view and understand human behaviour. Include a brief explanation of each ‘level of analysis’: the
    biological level, psychological level, and environmental / social level.
    In your summary, also explain why levels of analysis are used to help to understand human behaviour.
    The textbook will help you to address this, as will lectures and learning activities in Tutorial 1.
    2. Using levels of analysis to reflect on my experiences of learning and studying.
    (50% ­ approximately 450 words)
    Here you will write about the connections you have been able to make between levels of analysis and
    your experiences of your own learning and studying. How has the levels of analysis framework helped
    you understand your experiences or learning and studying?
    It’s up to you to choose what aspect of your learning to reflect on, but you must refer to how levels of
    analysis helped you to understand how you learn and study, or how you might re­think how you learn
    and study. Your reflection should also be informed by the lecture content and tutorial learning activities
    and resources. There will be plenty of opportunity to explore how studying and learning can be seen
    through the levels of analysis framework.
    You could, for example, cover one of the below.
    • A learning or studying experience you have had:
    ? that provides examples of the levels of analysis; and
    ? explains how the experience you have chosen is a good example of the application of the
    levels of analysis framework

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