Topic: experiential family therapy

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    In this course, write a significant person, event, or idea in American History Since 1877. It is expected that you follow these guidelines in writing this paper.
    I. Format:
    1)            The paper must be typewritten in Microsoft Word .
    2)            It must be typed in an easily readable font of no more than 12 (Times New Roman) points with sentences double-spaced. The margins should be 1.0″ either side of the paper.
    3)            Include your full name, title, course information on a title page, separate from the body of your
    4)            Number each page consecutively.
    5)            Include a citation page.
    6)            Include a bibliography page.
    7)            It is expected that you write your paper using correct English grammar and syntax, and that
    you use complete sentences placed in paragraph form.   Remember in history papers, use
    third person objective, no first person allowed.  This is a research paper not a position paper.
    So, do not use “I believe” or “my opinion is” type statements.
    II. Content: Your paper should be organized and thought out.  An example follows.
    Note: A large portion of your grade depends upon proper organization and readability of your
    1)   An introduction. (1 paragraph-one sentence does not make a paragraph.)
    2)   A brief explanation of the origins and history of the subject. (2-3 paragraphs)
    3)   A discussion of the importance of the subject and its historical impact. (7-9 paragraphs)
    4)            An analysis how world history has been changed by this person or event. (3-4
    5)   A conclusion. (1 paragraph)

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