Topic: Digital Story

    Order Description
    Please NOTE:
    * I attached to my Digital Story as a Word fil
    read it and then:
    1. Edit in the digital story in order to be with the following TASK:

    – Answers the following question by your Digital Story:
    ((Who do I aspire to be as an educational leader and why?))
    – After completing your digital story write a 300 word abstract
    outlining the main messages of your digital story. Include a
    reference list of literature and resources used in the digital
    – Written component- abstract, script and reference list
    Structure of digital story:
    1. Introduction: Introduce yourself and your leadership
    experience and ambitions
    2. Explanation: Provide an explanation of the type of leader
    you inspire to be. Include examples, inspirational
    people, theory and literature. You may like to structure
    this section using 3-5 key messages/ideas
    3. Implications: Include an account of implications for
    yourself as an educational leader. Think about what you
    aspire to be and what you need to consider to achieve
    this. You may choose to include some personal goals in
    this section.
    1. Provide a clear and coherent introduction
    2. Ability to reflect deeply on values, beliefs and experiences
    that drive your understanding of educational leadership
    3. Ability to integrate educational leadership theory and
    literature to personal reflections
    4. Ability to consider the implications for your leadership style
    and aspirations
    NOTE:- Digital Story’s word between 700 to 1000 words
    – Abstract words is 3000 words

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