Topic: Critique of a Public Presentation

    Order Description
    This may be “fictional” or you may actually attend somethings, but I would see it being on the side of “fictional” so long as that it is not a dead give away it did not happen. A presentation on global warming is something you could use and go from that.

    For this essay you must “attend” a public presentation and then critique the speaker(s) Your critique should be in the form of a short paper of around 500-700 words. Be sure to critique the speaker rather tan provide a summary of the presentation. The following are not acceptable presentations to critique.
    A church service or sermon
    A sales presentation at the fair or other trade show
    Anything on television or video
    A classroom lecture( Although it may be a non class or special lecture)
    A presentation with fewer than five audience members.

    Now that the “paper requirements” are out of the way.

    This will be evaluated on the thoroughness of the critique but a poorly or sloppily written paper will be devalued.

    Some of the critiques to write about
    The speakers intro
    Invention of the presentation
    Memory, how well did the remember the topic or did they look at notes or the screen to often?
    Verbal, too loud? too quiet?

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