Topic: Critical Aesthetic/ Dialectic term paper

    Topic: Critical Aesthetic/ Dialectic term paper

    answer the following question using the outline below as a structure for the essay. your answers should reflect the concepts discussed in class, make use of citations from the readings and demonstrate an engaged reading of the case studies.

    "Even when an individual has been accepted as an author, we must still ask whether everything that he wrote, said, or left behind is part of his work"
    "what is an author’s name?" the author’s name is a proper name…it performs a certain role with regard to narrative discourse, assuring a classificatory function. Such a name permits one to group together a certain number of texts, define them, differentiate them from and contrast them to others. In addition, it establishes a relationship among texts.?
    Michel Foucault, ? what is an Author??

    Using one case study from the list provided (A), explicate how foucault?s essay, ? What is an Author?? suggests alternative models for understanding authorship and rethinking subjectivity. Define Foucault?s concept of authorship. How does it challenge conventional ideas of authorship? What then does this imply about possibilities for rethinking subjectivity itself both within a work and outside it, i.e. Within historical events and the world at large? Hint: you may engage multiple notions of subjectivity as presented in the required text.

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