Topic: Business Opportunity Assessment

    Order Description
    – Identify a Consumer or Business Problem
    – Better Understand the Problem & The Customer
    – Potential Solutions & Recommendation
    – Feasibility Analysis
    – In Conclusion

    * Basically we need to identify a business problem and follow the 5 steps above

    Our Chosen Topic is ( Organ Donations in Europe and Ireland )

    we need to write and introduction for it and the number of people that donate and the people whose waiting for donations and most important ( How we will make make donate and solve this – is it by law or …… )

    and also we need to mention the black market for the donations ( if its possible ) and why people choose this market … ?!

    i will upload 2 very useful Assignment about this topic which is been recommended by our teacher.
    you can take ideas from it.

    ** The assignment must be done and followed by the word document that i have uploaded . NOT in a different one.

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