Topic; Bio quiz

    Topic; Bio quiz
    QUIZ # 1 SPRING 2013
    Dr. C.A.Okoh
    Q. 1-30
    1. The study of human body structure is:
    a. homeostasis
    b. anatomy
    c. physiology
    d. pathology
    e. none of the above

    2. The most abundant compound in the body is:
    a. carbohydrate
    b. protein
    c. lipid
    d. amino acid
    e. water
    3. Epidemiology is the study that focuses on the following aspects of disease
    a. determinants of disease
    b. frequency of disease
    c. distribution of disease
    d. all of the above
    e. only (b) and (c)

    4. A sudden acute rise of Ebola disease, in the state of Virginia, can be described by epidemiologists as
    a. epidemic
    b. endemic
    c. pandemic
    d. only (b) and (c)
    e. none of the above

    5. Organic compounds always contain the element:
    a. oxygen
    b. carbon
    c. nitrogen
    d. phosphorus
    e. hydrogen

    6. A chemical capable of donating hydrogen ions to other substances is called a(n)
    a. catalyst
    b. base
    c. acid
    d. salt
    e. ion
    7. Bereavement, in the multiple causation of disease, would be classified as:
    a. a host factor
    b. a biological factor
    c. a physical factor
    d. a social factor
    e. both (a) and (d)
    8. Colonic polyps represents
    a. clinical stage of disease
    b. pre-symptomatic stage of disease
    c. susceptibility stage of disease
    d. disability stage of disease
    e. none of the above

    9. A disease-causing microorganism is known as:
    a. a parasite
    b. a virus
    c. a pathogen
    d. none of the above
    e. all of the above

    10. Inside the cell, energy production is a responsibility of the:
    a. ribosomes
    b. nucleus
    c. lysosomes
    d. golgi apparatus
    e. mitochondria

    11. Movement of liquid from a region of high concentration of solute to a region of lower concentration across a semi-permeable membrane is known as:
    a. active transport
    b. diffusion
    c. osmosis
    d. endocytosis
    e. exocytosis
    12. Cancer cell division is exactly by:
    a. meiosis
    b. mitosis
    c. geometric progression
    d. (b) and (c) only
    e. none of the above
    13. A tissue composed of long striated cells with multiple nuclei is a:
    a. skeletal muscle tissue
    b. cardiac muscle tissue
    c. smooth muscle tissue
    d. nervous tissue
    e. epithelial tissue
    14. An acute rise in the incidence of a disease across national boundaries:
    a. pandemic
    b. endemic
    c. epidemic
    d. sporadic
    e. none of the above
    15. The human cell is eukaryotic in that it has:
    a. a true nucleus
    b. a cell membrane
    c. a fluid cytoplasm
    d. mitochondria
    e. none of the above
    16. The smallest unit of non-living matter is the:
    a. cell
    b. electron
    c. photon
    d. atom
    e. none of the above
    17. If human physiological pH is 7.4, this is:
    a. slightly acidic
    b. highly basic
    c. slightly basic
    d. highly acidic
    e. neutral
    18. Normal body temperature is about 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is maintained due to:
    a. active transport
    b. respiration
    c. diffusion
    d. osmosis
    e. homeostasis

    19. The most abundant protein in the body is:
    a. myelin
    b. actin
    c. melanin
    d. collagen
    e. fibrin
    20. Regulation of all body activities is the responsibility of which system(s)?
    a. respiratory
    b. urinary
    c. endocrine
    d. nervous
    e. (c) and (d)
    a. nucleus
    21. The following are symptoms of cystic fibrosis except:
    a. inflammation
    b. shortness of breath
    c. bacterial infections
    d. poor growth
    e. none of the above
    22. Which of the following qualifies as a primary prevention?
    a. early detection
    b. minor surgery
    c. rehabilitation
    d. jogging
    e. none of the above
    23. One of the smallest known agents of disease is a:
    a. rickettsia
    b. prion
    c. vibrio
    d. virus
    e. none of the above
    24. Widespread muscle aches with no known cause could be due to:
    a. bursitis
    b. multiple sclerosis
    c. fibromyalgia
    d. muscular dystrophy
    e. none of the above

    25.Antibiotic therapy is applicable to which stage in the natural history of disease?
    a. tertiary
    b. secondary
    c. primary
    d. all of the above
    e. none of the above
    26. Muscles are connected to bones through
    a. ligaments
    b. fascicles
    c. aponeurosis
    d. tendons
    e. none of the above

    27. The “fight-or-flight” response is promoted by the
    a. reflex arc
    b. somatic nervous system
    c. sympathetic nervous system
    d. parasympathetic nervous system
    e. none of the above

    28. The cells involved in most nervous system tumors are the
    a. sensory neurons
    b. motor neurons
    c. neuroglia
    d. interneurons
    e. all of the above

    29. Bitter tastes are detected at what part of the tongue?
    a. posterior
    b. tip
    c. anterior
    d. lateral
    e. None of the above


    30. All of the following are special senses except:
    a. pain
    b. taste
    c. smell
    d. balance
    e. hearing
    Q. 31-40 (1 point each)


    LIST A
    31. a part of the appendicular skeleton ——–
    32. bone cells are known as ——–
    33. calcium uptake by bone is promoted by ——–
    34. a major function of the skeletal system ——–
    35. the type of muscle in most internal organs ——–
    36. red bone marrow manufactures ——–
    37. boneresorption and calcium release into blood is facilitated by ——–
    38. bone matrix is produced by ——–
    39. severe reduction of bone density is known as ——–
    40. bones are covered by a membrane called ——–

    LIST B

    a. sacrum i. Vitamin D
    b. osteocytes j. PTH
    c. blood cells k. periosteum
    d. spleen l. shoulder blade
    e. meninges m. smooth
    f. skeletal n. body frame
    g. osteoporosis o. osteoblasts
    h. calcitonin p. ribosomes
    q. cell membrane
    r. osteopenia
    Q. 41-50 (1 point each)


    41. We are grateful to the skeletal system for our
    body’s defense mechanisms ——– ——–

    42. Immunity via mother’s milk is natural, active ——– ——–

    43. Immunization gives natural, active immunity ——– ——–

    44. Osteoarthritis is an autoimmune disease ——– ——–

    45. Phagocytosis is a specific immune defense ——– ——–

    46. NK cells destroy abnormal body cells ——– ——–

    47. Passive Immunity lacks memory ——– ——–

    48. Lymph nodes are designed to filter blood ——– ——–

    49.Palatine tonsils are also known as the ‘adenoids’ ——– ——-

    50.All blood cells originate from the bone marrow ——– ——–



    ESSAY-TYPE QUESTIONS (10 points per question)

    Answer only FIVE of the following questions.
    a. Discuss 8 functions of the skin. Describe the application of one of these functions in modern medicine. State any possible setbacks.
    2. While you are on a work-exchange program in Ivory Coast, a hepatitis A epidemic sweeps through the area where you are residing. Of the 3000 people living in the area, 300 people contract cholera and 30 die from the disease within one month. What are the incidence rate, case fatality rate, and mortality rate of cholera per 1000 people living in the area during this period? Please show your calculations.

    How would you lessen your risk of contracting this disease?

    3. Write a brief note on Cystic Fibrosis, including its etiology (cause), symptoms, and possible management approach.

    4. a. Focusing on just one System of the body, list in sequence the levels of organization in the human body, from the simplest to the most complex, giving an example for each level.
    b. Is there a possible comparison between the smallest unit of matter (name it) and the smallest unit of life (name it)?
    Explain your answer by presenting a reasonable argument.

    5. Define the term ‘arthritis’. Write briefly on 4 types of arthritis and the main causes of each.
    6. What type of immunity is the inflammatory process?
    Provide the 4 characteristics of an inflammatory response.
    Give a brief reason for each of the 4 characteristics.
    7a. Write a short note on the PANCREAS as an endocrine gland with exocrine capabilities.
    b. Distinguish between Type I and Type II diabetes (differences).
    c. Summarize blood sugar regulation in the body

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