Topic: Article

    Order Description
    Read the article in attached file [Air Traffic Controllers.pdf] and answer the following questions:

    Air Traffic Controllers Case – Due December 7th
    1. Who depends on whom more — the FAA on the Air Traffic Controllers, or the Air Traffic Controllers on the FAA? Why?

    2. Who had and used more power bases (and which power bases?) — the FAA or the Air Traffic

    3. Why did the FAA prevail?

    you will write brief answers to the case questions. the total answers to all questions (not to each question), must not exceed two pages, double-spaced, typed.

    Case Study Preparation will be on the following four criteria:
    • Evidence you read the case, mostly judged by your appropriately using case specific details.
    • You applied class concepts to answer questions, mostly judged by your explicitly and correctly using class concepts (and labels) to generate insights [concepts are in other attached files].
    • You wrote clearly.
    • You answered each question directly and explicitly. Only resources you can use are the attached files.

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