Topic: “any topics from the “topics description”

    Topic: “any topics from the “topics description”

    Order Instructions:
    Possible Essay Assignment
    The paper can be any legal issue in relaton to the operation of a business. The following are suggested subjested for your consideration:

    1.Company Director: Their powers, fiduciary duties, and duties, and duties to shareholders.

    2.Shareholders and Shareholder Rights.

    3.Product Liability cases: i.e.,tobacco,drug industry,anto industry,women’s health.

    4.Consumer Production Legislation: Are they effective in protecting the consumer?

    5.Public Policy and Bankruptcy.

    6.Critically analyze

    (1) Changes to Labour Laws passed by the Provicial Goveronment(1993-2010);or(2) The operation of the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

    7.Wrongful Dismissal:Is it now too difficult to fire an emplyee? Provide a critical analysis.

    8. Worker protection and worker safety: It ‘s evolution in law.

    9. Patent Protection: Appeasement to Multinational Drug Companies? Impact on the Consumer?

    10. The Internet and Copyright. The New Cyberspace and Legal Issues.

    11.Employers- The duty to accommodate the :
    a) injured worker;
    b) the disabled worker.

    12.Mandatory Retirement for employees- The Issues.

    13.”Freedom of expression” and commercial advertising-are there limits?

    14. Provide a critical commentary in reference to the bailout of the auto industry, either in Canada or the United States, or both. Is the legal regime appropriate to protect creditors and consumers?

    15.Does a “right to privacy” exist in Canada? Provide critical comment.

    16. Should present laws be “reformed” to compel public disclosure of corporate affairs/information? Provide commentary on this subject.



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