Topic: Annotated Bibliography

    Order Description
    Annotated Bibliography: You must submit this for your paper to be accepted. This is due Sunday April 3 by midnight as well. This MUST be in APA format! If you are unfamiliar with this formatting please get with the Library resource people of refer to the APA manual 6th edition. These are the sources (references) you submitted from your source retrieval paper. If you have other sources or different sources from your original source retrieval paper please just submit these in your annotated bibliography this week. Just remember, no “.com” sources unless you have three sources that are NOT “.com” sources and that you have cleared it with me.
    NOTE: When you actually write your paper, your references will not be in the annotated form, they will be regular APA format without the annotation.

    **For your annotated bibliography, you do not need an in-depth discussion of the article; in fact, it should ONLY be 1-2 sentences that provide a brief description of the article or source. This particular document is designed to help the reader understand the content of the article as well as to establish the validity and reliability of the source

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