Topic: A large portion of the Asian American and Latino populations are non-citizens. Do non-citizen residents impact the political process in the United States?

    Order Description
    Your paper will be due on the Friday of Finals week. You are to write a 5-7 page research design paper on a topic of your choosing (from the options below). The paper should be double-spaced and should follow the guidelines outlined below. I will be available during regular office hours and by appointment to anyone that wants to discuss their progress on the paper.

    topic : A large portion of the Asian American and Latino populations are non-citizens. Do non-citizen residents impact the political process in the United States?

    What is a research design?
    Political science is a science because we seek to answer questions on how factors impact politics

    A good research design will seek to answer the question—and set up research to answer the question.
    A good research design has:
    1) An introduction.
    -An introduction sets up the “problem”
    -Argues why the problem is important to study
    -DOES NOT make a NORMATIVE argument
    -we are independent researchers—“Martin Luther King” problem

    2) A literature review (Chaturvedi, 2012)
    -pick 3-4 scholarly articles that examine your research problem or related research problems
    -summarize them
    -why they impact this study

    3) Hypotheses
    What do you think is reason your problem occurs?

    4) Conclusions

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