To what extent is the work of philosophers such as Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend useful in forming a critical judgement of modern economic practice?

    To what extent is the work of philosophers such as Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend useful in forming a critical judgement of modern economic practice?


    The focus of this essay is to make a critique of modern economic practice . NOT summary of each of the philosophers mentioned. A critique on how economics is practised today. An example would be the way economic models are unrealisic now, how emperical research is done, how it is taught ( institutionalised) and then critically analyse why and how and then link it in with an author mentioned because he talks about that also. All philosophers must be mentioned and linked into the argument. This essay is an argument not a discussion. Some work which was carried out by the philosophers is mentioned underneath.
    • Critical Rationalism – Karl Popper and Falsificationalism
    • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions – Thomas Kuhn
    • Scientific Research Programmes – Imre Lakatos
    • Against Method – Paul Feyerabend
    • Economics as a Positive Science – Milton Friedman
    • Why Economics is not yet a Science – Alfred Eichner
    • Neoclassical Research Method
    • Empirical Research Method

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