To Kill A Mockingbird

    To Kill A Mockingbird
    Susan Arpajian Jolley “Integrating poetry and To Kill a Mockingbird .” English Journal 92.2 (2002): 34 – 40.

    Carol Ricker – Wilson. “When the Mockingbird becomes an albatross: Reading and
    resistance in the language arts classroom.” English Journal 87.3 (1998): 67 – 72.
    Essay question:
    These two articles outline some of the different ways in which Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is used as an effective teaching text in the classroom. Offer a summary of both articles, covering such points as: what are the main points of each article? What key question(s) and observations do the articles share? Then, outline some of the poems, songs, or other literary works that you would use as ‘tandem texts’, should you find yourself a teacher working with this text. Which aspects of Lee’s novel are complemented by your choice of poems, songs and/ or other literary works? When you outline some of the ways you would use Mockingbird with other texts, please make direct reference to actual scenes/episode /characters in Lee’s text to illustrate your detailed knowledge of the novel.”

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