To IP and Beyond

    To IP and Beyond

    The Internet has been suggested to be one of, if not the greatest achievements of our time in data communications.

    It has resulted in an explosion of user generated content and involvement from a wide spectrum of demographics. This information has, since the inception of the Internet, been carried on the back of TCP/IPv4 but this era is now coming to a close. With the sun setting on the height of the TCP/IPv4 reign, the need for a successor grows. There is resistance to change in those who control the infrastructure of the Internet. The battle of the protocols rages on.
    Task Details
    Starting from the inception of the Internet, look at how and why TCP/IPv4 was developed. Explain how we arrived at the current situation and why change is so slow amongst those most able to influence change? Finally what can we change to, how was this protocol developed and is it likely we’ll ever see a new protocol on the Internet after this? CSG4130 students should additionally postulate on what lessons can be learned from how and why this change took so long and what could be done in the future to facilitate future transitions.


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