Time to Evaluate Insturctional Design

    Time to Evaluate Insturctional Design

    •Describe a type of formative evaluation you could use for the instructional design you have been developing and provide three (3) questions that could be addressed in the evaluation.
    •Describe a type of summative evaluation you could use for your instructional design and provide three (3) questions that could be addressed in the evaluation.
    •Describe a type of confirmative evaluation you could use for your instructional design and provide three (3) questions that could be addressed in the evaluation.
    Discussion 2: “You Are the Expert!” Please respond to the following:

    •Read the following scenarios, select one (1), and answer the questions that follow for your choice.

    1.Sprint has just concluded developing a new computerized training unit dealing with customer complaints.
    2.The school board just contracted out the custodial services for all schools, and there is rumor of decreasing the hours for all bus drivers to part-time employees. Upper management is evaluating employee attitudes as part of a climate study.
    3.All 9–12 grade teachers will be required to attend mandatory gang violence training.
    4.McDonald’s is introducing all cashiers to a new point-of-sale system.
    •Questions for all four (4) scenarios:

    1.Describe the type of evaluation instrument you would recommend and explain why.
    2.Describe the type of testing approach you would recommend and explain why.
    Discussion 1: “Types of Formative Evaluation.” Please respond to the following:

    •Using examples, describe how the following types of formative evaluations might be used in the mandatory gang violence training or custodial layoff scenario presented in in your paper: connoisseur- based, decision-oriented, objectives-based, and public-relations inspired).
    •Which of these orientations might you apply in summative and confirmative evaluations? Explain your answer.
    Discussion 2: “Types of Evaluation.” Please respond to the following:

    •Based upon your understanding of evaluation, describe a training experience that you participated in and indicate whether it was in a context of formative or summative evaluation.
    •Explain your assessment of the evaluation.
    •Describe the type of confirmative evaluation that should be conducted after the initial evaluation and explain your answer.

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