Threat of Terrorism: Narrow down focus of the attached paper and case study, Threat of Terrorism: Weighing Public Safety in Seattle

    Narrow down focus of the attached paper and case study, Threat of Terrorism: Weighing Public Safety in Seattle. Study a question that was not answered in the case study – a question that needs further inquiry such as terrorism / homegrown violent extremists. Simplify the research questions so a realistic proposal can be written.
    Attached we have already define a problem raised by the case study that warrants further research and examination. For this paper is a literature review of the topic.
    The literature review shall build on the attached annotated bibliography. The literature review should synthesize and evaluate the relevant research on the topic. Shape the literature review to complete the following tasks:
    • Be sure to identify the topic and research question. It is important to provide context to the literature review by explaining the topic and making clear the area of literature that is being reviewed.
    • Identify trends in the literature, specifically focusing on a critical evaluation of development and changes in theoretical assertions and variations in methodologies.
    • Evaluate similarities and differences in conclusions across the studies and note the way in which methodologies might have impacted those conclusions.
    • Summarize major contributions of each study and highlight areas in which themes overlap between studies and create broad main areas of research on your topic.
    • Identify gaps in the research on the topic.
    • Conclude by drawing together the main ideas and themes presented in the literature with a critical evaluation of similarities and differences between the studies.
    Use the research methods found in : Maxfield, M., & Babbie, E. (2015). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology (7th). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

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