This section is based on the Case 1.1, Opening Case, Hershey’s Enterprise 21 Project, page 2-3 of your textbook.

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    SECTION A (40 marks)
    Case Study
    In-text citation and references (or sources) using the Harvard referencing style are required for this section
    This section is based on the Case 1.1, Opening Case, Hershey’s Enterprise 21 Project, page 2-3 of your textbook.
    As an external consultant, you have been hired by Hershey Foods Inc. to evaluate the effectiveness of the processes they undertook in implementing its ERP system and to present your evaluation in report format to the CEO of Hershey Foods Inc. You have been asked to use, for the body of your report, the format given in the file, Analyzing a Case Study. The rest of the report format should follow your Communication skills handbook.
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    Using the knowledge covered in Module 1-4 and supplemented by at least 4 academically sound external sources:
    1. Your report should identify, evaluate and discuss:
    a. The implementation strategy used by Hershey Food Inc.
    b. The processes that contributed to the final outcome, positively and/or negatively:
    c. The processes that posed a risk and how those risks were/could have been minimized,
    2. Your report should end with an evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the implementation and a ‘lessons learned’ section to inform any future ERP implementation.

    NOTE: You should restrict your report only to topics covered in Chapters 1- 4 and not extend it to cover the full implementation process.

    Length: 1500-2000 words.

    SECTION B (15 marks)
    Complete the SAP exercise as directed in tutorials 3-5, and as you do so keep a journal of your activities and your experience in learning to use SAP. Also record the SAP outputs in a separate file as follows:
    1. Create a Word document, include your name, student number and SAP UserID as a heading. In this document create a two column table to record your SAP outputs, output label in column 1 and output in column 2.

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    2. As you read the SAP exercise instructions, note the information in the right hand column, e.g.
    1. p.3: the first entry is “Menu Path” and further down the page is a list of your inputs, “US00, UE00, WH, BI”. (inputs do not need to be included in the table).
    2. p. 4: in amongst the first group of inputs you will find “###”.
    1. Whenever you see ### you should input your User#, the one included in the email I sent to you early in the semester.
    3. p. 5: Inputs continue until the last item in the right column when you need to record your first output, “Customer Number”. Most outputs appear in the bottom row of the SAP screen immediately after processing and disappear once you proceed.
    1. Ensure that you record the Output label, Customer Number in this instance, in the first column and the customer number shown Please note: screen drops are not the bottom of the screen, including any leading 0s.
    2. Repeat this process for all future outputs.
    3. Submit this file containing the outputs to the SAP exercise to EASE.
    4. Append a copy of your journal for the first exercise as a separate section of the Report file for submission.

    In the allocation of marks, your inputs in the SAP GBI database (as shown in a SAP report of your activity by User ID), your submitted journal and SAP exercise outputs will be taken into account. Please note, no marks will be given if the SAP report generated does not produce a record of any activity by your User ID).


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