This assignment supports the following lesson objective:Assignment OverviewWatch

    This assignment supports the following lesson objective:Assignment OverviewWatch the film 631. the film is 10 min long Locate two appropriate secondary sources and write a short paper in response to the film relating it to the content of this module.Assignment DetailsPerform the following tasks:Step 1: Watch the film 631.Step 2: Identify and read two secondary sources that relate to the film. One of them should be the textbook. One of them should be an outside reading.Click here to access the librarys resources.Step 3: Write a 300-400 word response analyzing the film.Use a word processor (like MS Word) to write your response. Topics to think about include: how does this relate to the observations in the textbook? What do you find most striking about the film? Is there anything here that challenges what we have learned in the textbook? Be creative and come up with some of your own questions too!

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