This assessment task is based on the case study “Attracting Chinese Tourists to Australia” which can be found in the prescribed text (Weaver and Lawton, 2010, pp.111-113).

    This assessment task is based on the case study “Attracting Chinese Tourists to Australia” which can be found in the prescribed text (Weaver and Lawton, 2010, pp.111-113).

    Gather statistics on international tourism from China to Victoria since 2000, including growth rates, visitor numbers, length of stay, expenditure and market segments (e.g. holiday, business, VFR and education). You can access this information from a number of sources, for example the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Tourism Research Australia (both of which can be accessed from libraries), and the State Tourism Organisation corporate website (Tourism Victoria).
    Task: In your report:
    a) Using relevant statistics, describe, and explain the reasons for, the trends in international tourism from China to Victoria since 2000.
    b) Analyse the key issues raised in the case study and discuss how Victoria has addressed or can address them.
    Your papers should be typed on single A4 sheets, in Arial font size 11, with 1.5 spacing and 3cm left and right margins. Pages should be numbered. Include a table of contents and a title page. You should include a summary of key statistics in the main body of your report and at least four references from government and academic sources.
    Marking Criteria:
    ? Demonstration of a clear understanding of the trends in international tourism from China to Victoria since 2000.
    ? Ability to analyse the key issues in the case study and how Victoria has addressed or can address them.
    ? Demonstration of an understanding of the subject matter.
    ? Coherence of the paper.
    ? Incorporation of relevant literature and/or broader issues.
    ? Correct use of APA referencing for both in-text referencing and in the reference list.
    ? Conforms to professional report writing structure including a table of contents, introduction, conclusion, reference list, appropriately numbered, titled and sourced tables and figures, and appendices


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