Things I like in the market class:

    Things I like in the market class:

    I like many different things in the market class that will help me through my future life. The first thing I like is the teaching style because it provides me different examples of how to lean the market planes as an important process to follow in my future life. also I like having different assignments that are related to the market subjects because its keep me in learn process so I don’t have to forget what is in the class. Also, I like the model page because it provides me what I need and basically it has everything as such syllabus, quizzes, and homework assignments, for each chapter. I also like the syllabus because it provides me all I need for this course such as the time and date for each assignment, event, exams and final project. I like the event extra credits because it encourages me to attend different presentation and it helps me to raise my grade up. Also, I like communication tools such as phone text/voice and email because it was easy to connect with Dr. McGilvray as my instructor. Also, I like the chapter 13 and 15 outlines because it has everything I need, and it help to success in the exam. I like the current event activity because I can analyze the product that I like and I get some ideas from other companies rather positive or negative that I share those ideas with my classmates. I like the final project because I learned how to manage a big company with different students. I like how I work in group because I made new and great friendship through my group project. that I learned from them a lot. I like how my instructor and the all my classmates respect us a group and no body distract us while we were presenting.

    Things I don’t like in the market class

    I don’t like some things in the class market that I wasn't comfortable with those things. the first thing is your quizzes questions during the class because there were too difficult to answer them. Because when you taught us, we were writing your note and sometimes I didn't have time to complete your note. also, I don’t like when you give a fast speech because I’m international student and I am very slow at writing, so I cannot keep with you because you go to the next slide without completing my note. I don’t like the time you give the group to discuss the project because it is very short and as group we need more time.

    Things I want to change

    the first thing I would like to change it to add all PowerPoint of all chapters of the class in the Moodle website. Also, I would change the quizzes grade because it would be better if there are all the same grade.

    Things I suggest for the future classes

    I suggest is to make different activity in class such as selling product to each other in the class and provide credits to the winner as smaller idea the final project to practice the final project and make it easier for all the class. I suggest that you provide a movie or YouTube movie about the market as an example and in the same time class will be more exiting for students. I suggest to add one more project and split the grade to half and half and take off the midterm exam because I realized that from the final project that market it is all about self-development instead of writing.

    things work with me

    The first things that works with me is the current event because it builds the ability to share different thought with our classmates and listen to new ideas of different product. Also the final project works with me because it helps to understand new market skills. Moreover, selling a product was the biggest advantage that I learned from this project. Also, I learned from this project how to analyze the company competitor’s, and develop different ways to advertise the product by having two different advertisements that are radio and YouTube video. For example, I learned how to sell the product as company through different market strategies. That was my first realty market example which it will benefit me in my future job or my future business. I like working as team work in one group for some time in each class.

    The grade parts

    There are 5 students of us in the group project Jon Laird that is our leader, Kyle Vance, Fahad Alotaibi, Adel Alanazi and Mohammed Alzahrani. So, I will start with our leader that I will give Jon Laird 30 points because he was working very hard to do very great job on doing the correction for each student in the group. Also, he was part of video commercial video the he stays with us to finish it that we done by midnight. Also, he was making sure everyone is attending the group by sending different reminders to our Facebook group. Next, I will give Kyle Vance 33 points because take was taking all responsibly of writing the extra paper and helping us and giving many different suggestions to our group and he was part of the commercial and doing the radio advertisement. Also, I will give Fahad Alotaibi 22 points because he attends most of the group meeting and he did a great job on his part which is finical data and he was very creative of making new application on the phone. I will give Adel Alanazi 18 points because he was absent for the most projects meeting and attend less than everyone else in the group. Also, he didn’t do anything that help the group. Finally, I give myself Fifteen points because I was nothing without my group and they assisted me a lot in the product.

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