There’s even a fancy word for the concept: mimesis. People have been talking about mimesis since way back in Plato’s days, and it’s still a big catchword even today Custom Essay

    A lot of smart people have said that art imitates life. There’s even a fancy word for the concept: mimesis. People have been talking about mimesis since way back in Plato’s days, and it’s still a big catchword even today.
    Think about the following questions:

    (1) How does this artistic representation (your book) mimic real life? Don’t forget to consider the historical context. If it was relevant then,

    does that mean it is relevant now?
    (2) What universal truths or character traits are represented that cross time and cultural boundaries?
    (3) What elements of the novel are completely far-fetched, fantastical, or improbable? Why do you think the author included those elements? Is

    there a potential warning or message in the theme?
    (4) Is this an example of art imitating life? Or is it just art for art’s sake?
    Now take a look at mimesis in (your book). Decide for yourself: does art imitate life in (your book)? Use the questions from Step 1 to create a

    chart or other organization tool detailing your thoughts.

    Now it is time to argue your case. Compose an essay that argues whether or not (your book) is actually art imitating life. Your thesis statement

    should describe the reasons this book is relevant to your life. This paper is to be 1500 words in length. You should have a minimum of three

    research sources and the novel for a total of four sources minimum. Your paper should be typed in Times New Roman and double spaced. Paper should

    include a Works Cited page and in-text documentations that are all in MLA format.

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