There are a number of drivers listed of the internationalization of business. These include, but are not limited to trade agreements, global communication, global talent pools, increased travel and migration Custom Essay

    1. There are a number of drivers listed of the internationalization of business. These include, but are not limited to trade agreements, global communication, global talent pools, increased travel and migration. Please discuss your observations or experience with one of these drivers. Or, please suggest other possible driver of internationalization. Please draw from your own experience, where possible.

    2. In your view, what are the primary differences between domestic and international HR?

    3. Review the various stages of a multinational enterprise. Describe the organization that you work with and the stage of evolution your organization is in. If you are currently not working with a company, choose one that you are familiar with and do a bit of research to determine which stages the organization is in. In your response, please describe specifically why you think your organization is in the stage you have identified.

    4. Discuss how IRHM strategy vary with an MNE’s business straegy? Draw from your personal experience, where possible.

    5. Organizations debate the merits of centralizing the HR function or decentralizing it. Please discuss the pros and cons of centralization and decentralization. Also, describe how your organization is organized and your views of what is working or not working.
    6. How can IHRM help to ensure the success of firms with a global organizational structure and a transnational organizational structure? If you have experience or obesrvations as to how your organization has supported these structures, please share.

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