Therapeutic group process paper


    1. Identify the type of group and clearly state the purpose of the group you observed.
    (medication education group, purpose to educate about medications, side effects and importance of med complience)

    2. Identify the characteristics of the group such as the number of people attending, the mix of the group
    regarding gender, the approximate age range of the group, and any other characteristics that may have had an
    impact on the group dynamics.

    (20 people approximatelly, more males , age ranges from 20-65)One of the patient set a tone for a terapeutic
    group. She knew a lot about medications and it was all about her, she was the center of attention .group leader
    didn’t redirect the focus, didn’t set strick limits it seemed like that . Some of the people lack interest in the
    topic . One of the patients was drawing something in his album during whole time

    3. Describe the physical conditions of the group setting.

    4. Evaluate if this was a positive or negative setting and include your assessments used in evaluating the
    5. Identify the leadership style of the group leader and discuss specific characteristics of the style.
    6. Using Table 6-3 (pages 119 ? 121) in your textbook, identify two examples of therapeutic communication
    techniques used by the leader. For each therapeutic intervention, discuss the response of the patient to the
    7. Often, patients assume specific roles within the group. Identify how the group leader may have managed:
    An aggressive patient,
    An uninvolved patient, or
    A recognition seeker.
    8. Sometimes, a member of the group may state to the student,? This group is a waste of time; I don?t get anything
    out of it.

    Explain how you would respond to such a statement by:

    1.) providing three specific examples of therapeutic responses that could provide the best outcome

    2.) include the rationale for using each therapeutic approach.

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