Therapeutic Communication – Speech Presentation

    Description of Setting & Situation:
    Who was involved in this interaction?
    What were the circumstances surrounding the interaction?
    What prompted the conversation
    When and where did it occur?
    Why did you choose to engage in a therapeutic communication to elicit this patient’s feelings at the time?
    How did you initiate the interaction?
    Patient Communication:
    Include details of your patient’s verbal and nonverbal reactions to each of your responses.
    Explain your patient’s reaction to each of your responses. (both verbal and nonverbal)
    Student Communication:
    Include details of your verbal and nonverbal reactions to each of the patient’s responses.
    Explain your reaction to each of the patient’s responses.
    T/NT Technique, Analysis & Rationale:
    Identify the type of technique that you utilized with each response
    Identify whether it was Therapeutic or Non-therapeutic
    Include an explanation of why you chose to use this particular technique when you responded (to each one).
    1. Was the technique you used effective or not? If not, what occurred? (each exchange)
    2. For at least 5 of your responses, give a sample alternative statement/technique you could have used.
    Use template distributed & available on Blackboard in NUR 102
    Must be typed
    Spelling, verbiage, sentence structure,
    clarity and grammar must be correct.
    Easy to read-follow ( lined up )
    10-15 exchanges Paired Exchange = one patient and one
    student verbal response

    *What is the technology you’ll be using and why is it a good fit with the content and pedagogy?

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