Theory Paper: Do not use direct quotes. All information should be paraphrased and properly cited using ASA style citation Custom Essay

    You MUST use the assigned readings to support your argument. Do not use direct quotes. All information should be paraphrased and properly cited using ASA style citation. ASA style can be found in blackboard. All citations must include page numbers.Everyone is required to write THREE papers that analyze theory covered in this course. Your theory paper must cover assigned readings. This is not a mere summarization piece, nor an opinion paper. You must think critically about what you have read, in other words, what are the larger implications of what we covered? How does what you read relate to previous readings in the course, thematically and/or theoretically? I will provide guiding questions each week for assigned readings that should assist in crafting these papers. I expect a clearly written, well-organized paper that appropriately integrates and critically assesses assigned readings in both a meaningful and logical way. Be sure to use citations. If you use quotes, use them sparingly and as support for your point in the paper. Any paper that overly uses quotes and reads as a string of quotes will receive an F.You MUST use the assigned readings to support your argument. Do not use outside sources. Do not use direct quotes. All information should be paraphrased and properly cited using ASA style citation. ASA style can be found in blackboard. All citations must include page numbers. PAPERS THAT ARE PLAGIARIZED WILL RECEIVE A ZERO. PAPERS NOT PROPERLY CITED WILL NOT EARN A GRADE HIGHER THAN A ?C?.

    So far in this course, we have covered two theoretical paradigms: Structural and Social Process. In the last few weeks, we have focused on Social Process Theories, such as social control and bond theory (Hirschi and Godenzi, Schwartz, & Dekeseredy), neutralization theory (Sykes & Matza) and general social learning theory (Sutherland & Cressey and Chappell & Piquero). These theories are similar, yet different. The Godenzi and Chapell articles provide present-day examples in which we can see how theory is applied and critiqued. Be sure to answer EACH question below in paragraph format. Cite extensively, pulling support from readings.

    ? Describe general Social Learning Theory as presented by Sutherland & Cressey. Explain how the theoretical positions of Hirschi and Sykes & Matza are similar AND different from what Sutherland and Cressey present. Explain what this paradigm offers us in explaining crime that social ecology or structural theories do not. Remember to use citations from Sampson for this section. You must essentially link the two parts of this semester together.
    ? There are many critiques to Hirschi?s social bond theory. One such critique is that it does not adequately explain white collar crime. Explain this critique. How does Hirschi?s theory fall short? Use Godenzi, Schwartz, & Dekeseredy to support your point. Then, using the theoretical perspectives of Hirschi and Sutherland & Cressey, explain how you would explain the act of university students cheating, such as on tests/exams and plagiarizing papers. After this description, then provide specific examples of how students might engage in cheating using the techniques explained by Sykes & Matza.

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