Theories of Motivation/Productivity Management

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    Theories of 


    Theories of Motivation:Explain how the concepts from Locke’s goal setting theory can be incorporated into Vroom’s expectancy theory. Explain how the concepts in Adams’ equity theory can be incorporated into expectancy theory. 

    Second assignment is Productivity Management: View the video Making it All Work. Explain the parallels of the concepts presented in the video to the five functions of management.  Explain how the five functions of management can help you in your personal life.  How could the concepts presented make you a better leader? 

    Explain how the concepts from Locke’s goal setting theory can be incorporated into Vroom’s expectancy theory. Explain how the concepts in Adams’ equity theory can be incorporated into expectancy theory. Respond substantively to two other learners.

    Productivity Management

    View the video Making it All Work. Explain the parallels of the concepts presented in the video to the five functions of management.  Explain how the five functions of management can help you in your personal life.  How could the concepts presented make you a better leader? Respond substantively to two other learners.

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