Theories and perspectives in human physiology- biochemistry, enzymes and metabolisim; homeostatic mechanisms

    Theories and perspectives in human physiology- biochemistry, enzymes and metabolisim; homeostatic mechanisms

    a) Explain the structure of the enzymes and discuss their role in metabolic reactions.
    b) Design an experiment to investigate the effects of one variable on a nemed enzyme ( trysin). Carry out the investigation and present your findings in a report.
    Assigment brief:
    1) Show your knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of enzymes.
    2) Research your information from at least two appropiate sources in addition to that provided by you tutor.
    3) Present your findings for part a) in a form of an essay.
    4) Carry your investion for part b) and record your findings appropiatley.
    5)Draw conclusion from your findings and evaluate yourmethodology
    6)Comment on wether your findings are consistent with exsisting data
    7) Present your findings for part b)in the form of a structured paractical report
    8) Make accurate use of biological terms and concepts throughout your assignment
    9)Identify appropiate sources to support your work,both in text and in bibliography




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