theories and approach of leadership: Transactional leadership, Transformational leadership and Authentic leadership

    “Observing and studying the leadership behaviour of existing or past leaders can be helpful in developing an appreciation of how leadership works in practice. For this assignment you are required to choose a case written about a leader and investigate their approach to leadership. You may use any case you wish so long as it is not one that you have already prepared for this course”. Criteria for Assessment: This submission will be marked against the following criteria: •1)Provide a short description of the background to the case. This should identify the leader and the nature of the leadership challenge or context. •2)Discuss the main leadership lessons that you have taken from the case and outline why you feel that these lessons are important for your own leadership. •3)Review how any of the leadership theories covered on the course have helped you develop an understanding of the leadership described in the case. Length of Submission: Your submission should be around 2000 words in length (excluding references). Please note that the required textbook for this course was: •Northouse, Peter G. Leadership:. I have attached a copy of the book for your use.

    Please use various headings in that covered the assessment criteria
    Further the instructions to the above instructions. I would like to bring to your attention the followings:
    1) You will need to go through the course preparation attached file in order to ensure covering what we have taken during the course.
    2) I would like to know which case study you have chosen. i was thinking to select about the current CEO of Saudi Aramco Khalid Alfalih but I am not sure if there is a sufficient information about him. I am from Saudi arabia and i have been working with Saudi aramco (Oil and gas company ) as project engineer. Currently I am studying MBA in energy management so it will be good to have case study about oil and gas industry.
    Therefore, I would like to hear from you about the case if you have one and it should be very interesting so that I can get full mark.
    3) With regards to the theories and approach of leadership we have covered the following
    •Transactional leadership;
    •Transformational leadership;
    •Authentic leadership.
    Also plrease refer to the attached file that covers the leadership theories.
    I would like to get the sources from books or jourines rather than the internet for wrting the paper
    4) For your information, during the course we have covered the following case studies,
    Harriet Green – Thomas Cook
    Carlos Ghosn – Nissan
    Carlos Ghosn PDF.pdf Attached file
    Anne Mulcahy – Xerox
    Please refer to the YouTube link to see all the 4 parts

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