Theoretical review

    Theoretical Review Paper (1500 words)
    You are being asked to produce a 1500 theoretical review which will provide an analysis of at least three theoretical approaches to the study of nationalism from a potential six set of theories: primordialism, perennialism, ethno- symbolism, modernism, social constructionism and post-modernism. You must choose three of these approaches to review.
    Students should take each of the theoretical approaches they intend to review and analyse the main aspects of each approach; its main arguments and how it understands how and when nations have come into existence. As part of the review of each approach students should also provide a critique highlighting the central weaknesses and limitations of each approach. Students should aim to write 500 words for the review of each theoretical approach they cover (which includes the critical analysis of that given theoretical approach).
    Students should remember they MUST draw on the appropriate scholarly literature for each theoretical approach they cover utilising the writings and ideas of key scholars for each approach. There is plenty of literature for each approach to draw upon and the reading lists for weeks 2 and 3 are absolutely crucial for this assignment. The point of this review is to ensure that you have the theoretical grounding to explore the practical issues in nationalism studies which form part of the essay questions for the second assignment.
    An example of a structure might look like this:
    Theoretical approach 1: Primordialism (500 words)
    ? Main views and perspectives of primoridalists as to how and when
    nations come into being
    ? Weaknesses and limitations of a primordialist approach
    Theoretical approach 2: Perennialism (500 words)
    ? Main views and perspectives of Perennialists as to how and when
    nations come into being
    ? Weaknesses and limitations of a Perennialist approach
    Theoretical approach 3: Modernism (500 words)
    ? Main views and perspectives of Modernists as to how and when
    nations come into being
    ? Weaknesses and limitations of a Modernist approach


    the three theories are ” Primordialism / Ethno-symbolism / Modernism”

    Use following references:
    Hearn, J. (2006) Chapter 2 ‘Primordialism’ pp20- 43, and Chapter 3 ‘Re-thinking Primordialism’ pp. 45-66, Re-thinking Nationalism: A critical introduction
    Hearn, J. (2006) Chapter 4 ‘Modernism’ pp. 67-94, and Chapter 5 ‘Re-thinking Modernism’, pp. 95-116, Re-thinking Nationalism: A critical introduction.

    “The nation: real or imagined? The Warwick Debates on Nationalism,” Nations and Nationalism, 2(3):357-370. This was a debate between Anthony Smith and Ernest Gellner at the London School of Economics. Anthony Smith’s lecture can be found here:’s reply is here:

    ALL students are expected to attend the seminar having read this debate in advance as it will form the basis of our discussions.
    ? Hearn, J. (2006) Re-thinking Nationalism: A critical introduction (Houndsmill, Basingstoke: Palgrave)
    ? Coakley, John (2012) Nationalism, Ethnicity and the State (London: Sage).

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